Lady Elizabeth Holmes nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovery of major importance in medicine, discoveries that are of great...


a a

Lady Elizabeth Holmes nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of major importance in medicine, that is of great benefit for the whole humankind

Elizabeth Holmes \'has ambition to rise again\' despite being jailed …

Web1 day ago · Elizabeth Holmes\'s astonishing rise and fall - from the youngest self-made female billionaire in US history to Theranos going under in shame - inspired award …
On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 10:57:53 AM UTC-5, a a wrote:
> Lady Elizabeth Holmes nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of major importance in medicine, that is of great benefit for the whole humankind

Why don\'t you tell us specifically what that discovery was?

What little education the airhead has was in some kind of engineering. Engineers are not exactly famous for making \"discoveries.\" Their work mainly entails application of existing science.

Elizabeth Holmes \'has ambition to rise again\' despite being jailed …

Web1 day ago · Elizabeth Holmes\'s astonishing rise and fall - from the youngest self-made female billionaire in US history to Theranos going under in shame - inspired award …
On Sun, 20 Nov 2022 07:57:49 -0800 (PST), a a <>

Lady Elizabeth Holmes nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of major importance in medicine, that is of great benefit for the whole humankind

Elizabeth Holmes \'has ambition to rise again\' despite being jailed …

Web1 day ago · Elizabeth Holmes\'s astonishing rise and fall - from the youngest self-made female billionaire in US history to Theranos going under in shame - inspired award …

Where did she get the title from? I can\'t see any explanation for that
in her Wikipedia entry. Or is that as made up as her supposed
On Monday, November 21, 2022 at 3:28:33 AM UTC+11, Fred Bloggs wrote:
On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 10:57:53 AM UTC-5, a a wrote:
Lady Elizabeth Holmes nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of major importance in medicine, that is of great benefit for the whole humankind,

A a seems to be claiming to have made the nomination on his own. As anonymous troll he can tell us any story he feels like, but his history of posting nonsense rather cuts into his credibility.

Why don\'t you tell us specifically what that discovery was?

What little education the airhead has was in some kind of engineering. Engineers are not exactly famous for making \"discoveries.\" Their work mainly entails application of existing science.

But if it is an unexpected application - not obvious to those skilled in the art - they can and do get patents on their discoveries.

Some of the patents make money. Claiming to have made such an invention is a popular scam.

Elizabeth Holmes \'has ambition to rise again\' despite being jailed …

Web1 day ago · Elizabeth Holmes\'s astonishing rise and fall - from the youngest self-made female billionaire in US history to Theranos going under in shame - inspired award …

A a is a gullible twit.

Bill Sloman, Sydney

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