Steve Kraus
Twelve year old Sony KV-27EXR25 was dead except for relay clicking. Based
on excellent information here and elsewhere online I replaced the STRS6301
on the power converter board and now it seems to work just fine. Measured
a bit over 160 degrees F. at the heat sink which I think is typical on
these older units (I did add a bit of extra heat sink on top of the chip).
One thing though...I do not hear the degauss coil buzz on power-on. I
suppose I can do without it but it has me wondering what is wrong. I did
plug everything back in the way it was. Is firing the degausser for a
second a function of the STRS6301 or something else on the board?
on excellent information here and elsewhere online I replaced the STRS6301
on the power converter board and now it seems to work just fine. Measured
a bit over 160 degrees F. at the heat sink which I think is typical on
these older units (I did add a bit of extra heat sink on top of the chip).
One thing though...I do not hear the degauss coil buzz on power-on. I
suppose I can do without it but it has me wondering what is wrong. I did
plug everything back in the way it was. Is firing the degausser for a
second a function of the STRS6301 or something else on the board?