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Space and time
There are two theories or convictions centered around the existence or
creation of our present universe,and life altogether:
The first one is a scientific approach,which is not yet proven,and is
doubted by a great many number of religious and non_religious
The second one is a spiritual belief,that is not scientifically
logical,and is likewise doubted by as many as those who believe in the
first theory.
The first proposition assumes that the universe began with a big
bang;that space and time emerged with that first universal
explosion;that this brought about the necessary material elements
which formed a body of about 100 or more billion galaxies during a
span of about 10 to 20 billion years of human time;that everyone of
these galaxies is supposed to contain less or more than 100 billion
stars each,ranging in size from being close to our solar star,up to
100's or 1000's of times larger than that;that most or all of these
stars might have planets and moons,ranging in numbers according to
their relative size.
This assumption has lead to the fuzzy conclusion that there existed
neither time nor space prior to that big universal show of heavenly
But that left one major flaw in the web of the deductive and logical
reasoning of the frail human mind:
Where was that extremely dense mass of the (petite) particle situated
prior to that bang??? And what form of timeless and spaceless object
of unknown substance did enclose or surround its relatively (poco)
Three possible alternatives stand out before our very scrutinizing
eyes of our logical petty minds:
1-This particle might have been immersed in a limited timeless and
spaceless object of unknown substance,slightly bigger than the
particle's size.
2-It might have been enclosed by a timeless and spaceless object of
unknown substance that fit exactly its size;In both cases nothing was
supposed to exist beyond that.
3-It was floating in an infinite timeless and spaceless object of
unknown substance.
If we hang on to the first alternative,we would conclude that the
boundaries of that small particle coincided with the beginning of the
timeless and spaceless limited substance that certainly has an
end,because it was not infinite.That substance could not have ended
nowhere!!!But had to coincide with the beginning of something
else;Otherwise,it could not have been limited'with an end.
Following that same route of deductive reasoning,we would conclude
that that something else of timeless and spaceless nature had to be
limited,with an end;or infinite,with no end.
If it were the first,it had to coincide with still another thing of
timeless and spaceless nature,and so on and so forth,up to an endless
chain of infinite number of limited objects of timeless and spaceless
natures to no end.
If it were the latter,it should have been one infinite timeless and
spaceless object of unknown nature that occupied everything outside
the boundaries of that particle and its compartments.
If we stick to the second alternative,we would have to run the same
chain of beginnings and ends of infinite number of timeless and
spaceless objects of unknown natures.
If we settle with the last alternative,we would get the same results
without having to go over the same repititive cycle of beginnings and
But,in everyone of these three alternatives,there arises the one and
same obstacle :
This particle could not have expanded beyond its limited boundaries
if it were surrounded by some form of infinite unknown substance or
substances,whose infinite size might have hindered the expansion of
that little particle beyond its restricted boundaries;that infinite
body of unknown nature could not have been pushed or moved beyond its
infinite boundaries,in order to give room for the expansion of that
particle;there were supposed to exist no empty space in the first
place,before or after that substance,or any other substance or
This final analysis leaves us with one and only logical solution:
There should have existed an empty space beyond the boundaries of
that tiny particle of dense mass,in order to facilitate its expansion
beyond anything imaginable.
That space should have been infinite,or else it would have ended
somewhere and coincided with another body of unknown substance of
timeless and spaceless nature,existing beyond that limited space.
That timeless and spaceless substance should not have existed in the
first place,because it should have been infinite and could not have
left any more room of empty space for any particle to expand beyond
its restricted boundaries!!!
Now,if we suppose that there existed no time before the big bang,we
would have to ask ourselves the only one simple and logical question:
How long did it take the particle to condense??How long did it remain
in a static state before its explosion??How long did it take the
material of its substance to be formed before that
condensation?????And how long!!?? And how long!!??And so on and so
forth of many how longs!!!!!
If we assume that this particle came as a result of the condensation
of some scattered material of unknown substance;or the scattered
remnants of a previous dead universe,and had moved towards some
universal gravitational centre of absolute force to condense into one
tiny particle of dense mass,it would be logical to conclude that that
movement of those scattered material took place within the frame of
time and space axis,and not otherwise!!Movement does not exist outside
the time and space frame.
That particle could not have popped out of nowhere,outside the axis
of time and space,and condensed without any further movement inside
that frame towards an absolute force of gravitation!!!That would be
scientifically absurd!!!
In the final analysis,time and space are infinite entities that have
existed for an eternity,and will continue to exist for another
Time and space have always been the workshops of infinity to mold
endless structures of endless matrial and non_material existences all
through eternity!!!
On the other hand,if we acknowledge the second conviction,and believe
that existence was created by a super deity of heavenly powers,we
would have to consider one very important possibility:
That time and space had existed long before the creation of our
present universe,because there existed a powerful and mighty heavenly
force prior to that creation,which had an infinite form,and had
existed for an eternity long before the present creation:that creation
which is but one small link in an infinite chain of endless creations
that have been going on and will go on for ever and ever??!!
If there exists other theories regarding the formation of our
universe,or other universes,for that matter,they have to follow the
same line of deductive reasoning that leads to none other conclusions
than what has already been presented so far,concerning time and place:
Nothing exists outside the frame of infinte time and
space;Otherwise,that would only be only mere speculations issuing from
a frail and limited human mind of limited and ignorant nature!!!
Matter And The Void
Everything that exists,including us sentient beings,is only a
void,that has no material essence whatsoever.
For matter,is just a three dimensional effect of the void;and
sentient material existence is nothing more than an awareness,that
feels the effect of the void,that takes a material form of color,and
shape,by the deductive foreign mind of the first attention,in a three
dimensional space,and time.
Matter,as science defined it,is made up of atoms;and these atoms are
composed of protons,neutrons,and electrons;the nucleus of the atom
comprises the proton,and the neutron,which is surrounded by rotating
Molecules are made up of atoms,joined by the bond between the
electrons;the molecule of water,for example,is composed of 2 hydrogen
atoms,and 1 oxygen atom;a drop of water is made up of
millions of combined water molecules;any body of water is comprised of
millions of water drops.
Suppose now that we travel deep into the atom,and view it from
the inside;the atom would look like something,that resembles the solar
system:the sun being the nucleus,and the planets,that are rotating
around it,being the electrons.
If we measure the volume of the space,that the solar system
occupies,and compare this volume with the actual volume of the sun and
its 9 planets,the ratio would be,something like 1 : 1000000.
The majority of this solar space would be a void,which comprises
about 99 percent of this volume.
Now if we take a water molecule,and measure its volume,it would
be like measuring the space,that the sun occupies with its two nearest
After comparing the volume of this space,with the actual volume
of the sun,and these two stars,we would get a ratio of much more than
1 :1000000000 .
The majority of the volume,would be a void,which comprises about 99
percent or more .
If we take a drop of water,and compare its volume with the volume of
the atoms,that comprise the drop of water,this would be like comparing
the volume of the space, that the milky way galaxy occupies
with the volume of all the stars,that comprises this galaxy.
In this case,the ratio would be extremely more than
1:1000000000000,and the void forms about 99.5 percent.
Now,if we take the Atlantic Ocean and compare its volume with the
volume of the corrosponding atoms,the comparison would cover
the whole universe,with all the stars in all the 12000000000 galaxies
The ratio would jump to 1 versus an infinite number;the majority of
the volume would be about 99.9 percent of void this time.
Now,if we try to analyze this 1% of the supposed material volume,the
trip would take us,still further into the depth of the atom, into
where the nucleus lies.
By travelling into the nucleus,and take the proton,for example,and
compare the volume of this proton,with the volume of its components
the quarks,the ratio would be something comparable to what has been
presented up to now in this analysis;the proton would also comprise a
99 percent of void too.
And if we go still deeper,and analyze the quarks in turn,we would
get the same result;the quark would form more than 99 percent of void
If we go still to a much deeper level,and reach an infinitesimal
dimension,we would find out,that matter doesn't exist in the first
place .
And in analyzing the neutron and the electron in the same deductive
method,we would be more convinced than ever,that what really exist is
only a void,and that matter,is only an effect of the flux of energy of
this void,which is but one infinite whole,comprised of no other part,
but itself,and that everything that exists,is just part of the flux of
energy of this infinite void;and the flux is none other than the
infinite field of energy of the of the circle of light,that comprises
an infinite number of infinitesimal points of awareness attached to
that infinite flux of live energy.
This void and its flux of energy,has no description in the deductive
foreign mind of the first attention;for who can pinpoint the void and
give it a reasonable and sound description?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!
If our present material universe is 10 to 20 billion years of age,and
if we compare that age with the infinite age of the endless space that
houses this universe,we would conclude that the age of the present
existing material universe is nill in comparison to the age of the
endless and everlasting space,that has been standing since eternity
and will stand still for another eternity.
And if the present universe is just 10 to 20 billion years of
age,then what was there 50,or100,or1000 billion years ago?Or a
trillion years ago?Or a zillion years ago? Or what had existed an
infinite years ago?
Was there nothing prior to the present existence of our material
universe?And if that was the case,why hasn't the universe come into
existence long before that period?And why 10 to 20 billion years ago
in particular,when it could have existed 50,or100,or1000,or10,000
billion or less or more years ago?Or it will have come into existence
a 1000,or a zillion trillion or more or less years away from now!
If the universe is going to survive for another 50,or 100 billion or
less or more years away in the distant future,then would existence
come to an end after the death of our mortal universe?And would this
endless and everlasting wide space become empty and steril for
another eternity,as it is assumed to have been prior to the inception
of our new born professed universe?
If the factors that prompted the birth of our universe had been
appropriate only 10 to 20 billion years ago,then couldn't they have
been appropriate a zillion or a 1000 zillion or more or less years ago
before the conception with our beloved universe?Or wouldn't they be
appropriate too a 1000 trillion zillion or more or less years in the
Or if this material existence was created by a heavenly
deity,couldn't it have created another one long before it had created
the present one?And wouldn't that divine and almighty creator
originate another universe shortly or long after the death of ours?And
why create only one universe,when it could create infinite ones?
Wouldn't it like to be worshiped by as many universes as there could
be in existence?
And wouldn't you like to have more than one baby if you just could
support them and provide them with their livley needs?
Or wouldn't you like to become the emperor of the universe instead of
being only the ruler of planet earth?Oh!!!! I guess you are mighty
humble to settle only with governing your own country??!!!??!!!??Or
city???!!! Or village??!! Or street?! Or may be just your own
If the universe is 10 to 20 billion cubic light years in volume,why
would that infinite space be void of any other material universe
beyond the existing one?
And if we compare the volume of the present universe with the
infinite volume of the endless space that surrounds this limited
nill,we would only conclude that this tiny volume of material
existence is nothing more than a mere infinitesimal point in
comparison with that endless and wide_open space that has no limits
even to measure it with!!!
Why would that endless space bring forth a tiny bush,while it can
become swerving with infinite blossoming flowers throughout its
endless expanse of unlimited space?
And if the factors were appropriate for material existence to occupy
a limited portion of that endless ocean of void space,couldn't they
have also been appropriate for other material volumes to occupy
endless portions in that limitless expansion of never_ending space?
And if those same factors were appropriate for material existence to
occupy a limited portion 10 to 20 billion years ago,then couldn't they
have been appropriate for matter to occupy that same space a zillion
or more or less years ago?And wouldn't they be also appropriate for
any other existence to occupy that same space a trillion or less or
more years after this universe is long gone?
Couldn't the physical laws of this universe and the atomic structure
of its matter have been different from what they are in the present
existence?And if that was all true,couldn't there have existed other
material occupations with different physical laws and atomic
structures before the existence of the present one?Or wouldn't there
have existed other different ones during the existence of the present
one?And won't there exist more different ones after the death of the
present one???
And couldn't there have existed other material volumes with similar
laws and atomic structures before the existence of the present one?Or
wouldn't there have existed other similar ones during the existence of
the present one?And won't there exist other similar ones after the
death of the present one????
Has the beginning of the present universe started 10 to 20 billion
years ago,after the big bang of that extremely heavy particle of dense
matter took place?Or has it started before that,when that dense matter
began to unite and condense?And how long did it take that particle of
dense matter to condense and explode as a result of the huge pressure
that had become too large to keep its particles together any longer??
Or wouldn't it be possible to assume that that dense and heavily
condensed particle were the remnants of another previous deceased
universe,which had expended its potential energy of atomic bonding,and
had decomposed into loose matter,that had reassembled and aligned
itself because of an inherent factor,that had enabled it to
reconstruct itself again into one heavily condensed particle,under an
extreme field of gravitational force?
Or wouldn't it be possible that the huge force of gravity that had
attracted and condensed the matter of the big bang in the first
place,would also attract and condense the dead matter of this universe
after its fading away 50 or 100 billion years from now? And wouldn't
that be similar to what happens in an underwater explosion,when the
sucking pressure of the vaccumed sphere resulting from the explosion
crumbles down and redirects the pressure to the centre of the
And last but not least,couldn't it be possible that this same matter
of the present universe may have undergone an infinite process of
expanding and condensing,before the existence of the present form of
our universe?And wouldn't it be feasible and sane to think that that
process will go on for another infinite period of intensity of
composition and decomposition??
And could there have also been other processes of intensity with
other material occupations of a different order before,during,and
after this present occupation,and other intensity processes with other
material occupations of similar orders before,during,and after the
present occupation too???
That is the big question???????????????????????????????????????????

In the year 1960,a universal being revealed the mysteries and magical
wonders of existence and awareness.learn about the second and third
attentions that human beings can attain at:
Thank you for your patience and understanding.Peace be with you.
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I can't see what all this has to do with an electronic CAD forum.
However, questions relating to the origins of the universe and what
existed before "the big bang" will probably never be answered. It is
all far, far too long ago.

Wondering how it all started billions of years ago, and how big the
universe is, doesn't have any real bearing on anyone's life on this
little planet, so I can't see how this can be regarded as "the big
question".... there's MUCH bigger questions that have real relevance -
like how to defeat terrorism, finding a cure for cancer, etc...

In article <>,
Don Prescott <> wrote:
I can't see what all this has to do with an electronic CAD forum.
However, questions relating to the origins of the universe and what
existed before "the big bang" will probably never be answered. It is
all far, far too long ago.
You are taking it as a given that there was a big bang. That was almost
as long ago it it really happened. When you make bread, the bread rises.
If you measured the size vs time, you could project back to a time where
the bread was an infinitely dense blob of dough, just like mother used to
make. :)

One really nice thing about things like LT-spice is that you can put in
equations for things that are not electronic and model them too. I've had
luck with using it for thermal issues and dealing with a plasma lamp. One
of these days, I think I model the universe with it just to see what
happens. :)

-- forging knowledge

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