Klik & gEDA


Dave Boland

I have been hearing a lot about Klik for Linux and see that
most of the gEDA tools are in the repository. Doesn't look
like the gEDA team maintains it though. Will this change,
or is it not a problem?

Dave Boland <NODARNSPAMdboland9@stny.rr.com> wrote:
: I have been hearing a lot about Klik for Linux and see that
: most of the gEDA tools are in the repository. Doesn't look
: like the gEDA team maintains it though. Will this change,
: or is it not a problem?

Ummm, I just checked this out, since I am nominally a member of the
"gEDA team".

This "Klik" thing you are talking about is some kind of Linux
package aggregator based in Germany. Here's the Klik website for EDA


It looks like the folks behind this thing go out and pull software
packages from wherever they find them, and stick them onto klik.de for
third parties to download. They also stick Google ads onto their
website which are germaine to the stuff they offer for download. I
guess this qualifies as a "business model".

The Kilk folks are welcome to do that with the gEDA stuff, of course,
since it's GPLed. However, their activities are waaaay outside the
control of any of the "gEDA team", so we can't guarantee anything
about the freshness of the packages they proffer. The real gEDA
website, which holds the latest and greatest of this well-known
open-source EDA toolset was, is, and will remain here:


You are welcome to download gEDA from wherever you wish. However, it
is incumbant upon you, the downloader, to make sure that you know what
you are downloading, and to be aware of whether it is fresh or not.

Stuart Brorson wrote:
Dave Boland <NODARNSPAMdboland9@stny.rr.com> wrote:
: I have been hearing a lot about Klik for Linux and see that
: most of the gEDA tools are in the repository. Doesn't look
: like the gEDA team maintains it though. Will this change,
: or is it not a problem?

Ummm, I just checked this out, since I am nominally a member of the
"gEDA team".

This "Klik" thing you are talking about is some kind of Linux
package aggregator based in Germany. Here's the Klik website for EDA


It looks like the folks behind this thing go out and pull software
packages from wherever they find them, and stick them onto klik.de for
third parties to download. They also stick Google ads onto their
website which are germaine to the stuff they offer for download. I
guess this qualifies as a "business model".

The Kilk folks are welcome to do that with the gEDA stuff, of course,
since it's GPLed. However, their activities are waaaay outside the
control of any of the "gEDA team", so we can't guarantee anything
about the freshness of the packages they proffer. The real gEDA
website, which holds the latest and greatest of this well-known
open-source EDA toolset was, is, and will remain here:


You are welcome to download gEDA from wherever you wish. However, it
is incumbant upon you, the downloader, to make sure that you know what
you are downloading, and to be aware of whether it is fresh or not.

The point I was getting to was that the Klik stuff is
advertising for a maintainer for the gEDA programs. I know
that you already have a lot to do, but it may be worth the
effort to maintain these files so you have control.

Dave Boland <NODARNSPAMdboland9@stny.rr.com> wrote:
: The point I was getting to was that the Klik stuff is
: advertising for a maintainer for the gEDA programs. I know
: that you already have a lot to do, but it may be worth the
: effort to maintain these files so you have control.

Thanks. Good point. I'll post a message to the geda-user list.


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