KiCAD, setting board size

How does one specify "board size" in KiCad ..?

When I try to "Autoplace All Modules" all I get is:
"No edge PCB, Unknown board size!"

I just tested with a simple design.
On Wed, 27 Feb 2008 16:15:45 +0100 (CET), wrote:

How does one specify "board size" in KiCad ..?

When I try to "Autoplace All Modules" all I get is:
"No edge PCB, Unknown board size!"

I just tested with a simple design.
Select "Edges PCB" as the active layer (the combo box up on top) and
draw in your edges with the drawing tools.

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA
You need to buy some decent software !

I paid Ł20 for mine and it doesnt spit the dummy if there is no PCB
outline !
Marra <> wrote:
You need to buy some decent software !

I paid Ł20 for mine and it doesnt spit the dummy if there is no PCB
outline !
Sure, but paying to have your files hostage is not sometime I want.
I found the solution to the problem anyway.

Also the files used are text ones, so it's very easy to automate things with
scripts. Or rescue broken files, should it ever be needed.

Product EOL will also not cause any development brickwall.
Marra <> writes:
Its all very commendable having open source but something done for
nothing is rarely as good as something bought.
You need to adjust your understanding of "open source". Neither open
source nor free software preclude you from charging huge fees for the
software you create (I work for Red Hat, a company that sells Free

Plus, your estimate of open source's quality is very lacking - I hear
lots of testimonials from people saying that their open source
software is far more usable and reliable than the proprietary software
they had been using. Sure, it depends on the user and the software,
but you can't generalize.
On Feb 28, 4:01 am, wrote:
Marra <> wrote:
You need to buy some decent software !
I paid Ł20 for mine and it doesnt spit the dummy if there is no PCB
outline !

Sure, but paying to have your files hostage is not sometime I want.
I found the solution to the problem anyway.

Also the files used are text ones, so it's very easy to automate things with
scripts. Or rescue broken files, should it ever be needed.

Product EOL will also not cause any development brickwall.

What brickwall ?
My software does everything I ask of it.
My vendor says if I think of an idea for an improvement then he would
add it and send me a new copy free !

What broken files ?
My software has never had any broken files coz its not full of bugs !

Its all very commendable having open source but something done for
nothing is rarely as good as something bought.
Product EOL will also not cause any development brickwall.

What brickwall ?
Suppose your CAD company is bought by an invenstor that mismanage the company.
Your access to your own designs will be at the mercy of that management.

My software does everything I ask of it.
Your software does whatever your vendor sees fit.

My vendor says if I think of an idea for an improvement then he would
add it and send me a new copy free !
If they decide not to implement you'r stuck with that decision.
Market research for free to the company.

What broken files ?
My software has never had any broken files coz its not full of bugs !
Your discs, operating system, user handling, application bugs, any can
trigger a trashed file.
Infact in the I read a posting about a ms-xp user that
downloaded photos from an usb memory that got his files trashed. All pointing
to the driver. Despite being so standard these days.
Most software contains bugs, most are not disclosed. Just google on 'full
disclosure' to see the corporate management of bugs (deny deny).

Its all very commendable having open source but something done for
nothing is rarely as good as something bought.
There was a reason as to why free software was created in the first place.
Many reasons boils down to how the economy is organised. People without
proper technical knowhow takes decisions on technical details. Or are so
inconsiderate to the whole picture that it's a cause for failure by itself.

Haveing a monetary drive behind a project is only as good as the structure
organising it.
Load a schematic from a pirated version, and have YOUR design files
voided by the vendors will:

Seems the EDA business is plagued by the buy-and-terminate business tactics.
Not a good playfield for stable worktool.

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