Keyboard --> RJ-11


Luke Albers

Hey everyone

I got a dummy terminal the other weekend, and the keyboard connector is
RJ-11 on it. I am trying to figure out how to replace the PS-2 or AT
connector on a keyboard with an RJ11 end.

The keyboard uses a four wire electrical interface that appears as below
when viewed from the end of the keyboard cable.


| 1 2 3 4 |

+--+ +--+


1) Rxd (Data to keyboard)

2) Gnd

3) +12v

4) Txd (Data from keyboard)

Here is a link to the pinouts of the kbd connectors:

A friend of mine has a connector to plug in his ps/2 keyboard to a RJ11
adaptor,and it is a real simple thing. no electronics, just wires. I would
rather use an AT keyboard, and I see that pin 3 is not used, but I don't
really know where each of the other four wires goes in an RJ11 connector

I appreciate any help I can get
In git.unix.linux Luke Albers <> wrote:
| 1) Rxd (Data to keyboard)

| 2) Gnd

| 3) +12v

| 4) Txd (Data from keyboard)

| Here is a link to the pinouts of the kbd connectors:

It should be fairly intuitive but your keyboard will not work with this
terminal. PS/2 keyboards run on 5 volts and your terminal is supplying 12
meaning you'll burn out the keyboard the moment you plug it in.

Keeping this in mind, the signal level requirements may be different
between the devices. The PS/2 keyboard uses TTL level signals (0 and 5
volts). It looks like the terminal may use stanard serial level comms
which is something completely different.

You could build an interface provided both units are speaking the same
protocols. In that case, you'd have to make an opto-isolator circuit plus
a voltage regulator to reduce the 12 volts to 5 for the keyboard. Your
pin 4 is receiving data so it would go to pin 2 on the AT connector and
the transmitting pin is pin 1 which the closest analogue on the AT
connector is the clock.

This is where things get different. The PS/2 and AT keyboards use a
synchronous serial connection. The computer clocks the keyboard and the
keyboard shifts data out the data pin. But, at the same time, the
keyboard can _read_ data from the data pin which the computer sent to it.
So, the data pin is actually bi-directional. The clock is just a clock.
However, it looks like the terminal's keyboard is a real serial device
which follows along with the rest of the terminal since it's an all
serial device. It's more than likely receiving commands or a pulse stream
on the receive pin and transmits data on the transmit pin. So there's no
bidirectional communication over a single wire like the PS/2 keyboard.
On Thu, 27 Nov 2003 23:18:27 -0500, "Luke Albers"
<> wrote:

Hey everyone

I got a dummy terminal the other weekend, and the keyboard connector is
RJ-11 on it. I am trying to figure out how to replace the PS-2 or AT
connector on a keyboard with an RJ11 end.

The keyboard uses a four wire electrical interface that appears as below
when viewed from the end of the keyboard cable.


| 1 2 3 4 |

+--+ +--+


1) Rxd (Data to keyboard)

2) Gnd

3) +12v

4) Txd (Data from keyboard)

Here is a link to the pinouts of the kbd connectors:

A friend of mine has a connector to plug in his ps/2 keyboard to a RJ11
adaptor,and it is a real simple thing. no electronics, just wires. I would
rather use an AT keyboard, and I see that pin 3 is not used, but I don't
really know where each of the other four wires goes in an RJ11 connector

I appreciate any help I can get

Don't bother. It is higly unlikely the protocol is PS/2.
In article <bq6ial$9qo$>,

Hey everyone

I got a dummy terminal the other weekend, and the keyboard connector is
RJ-11 on it. I am trying to figure out how to replace the PS-2 or AT
connector on a keyboard with an RJ11 end.

Just because the terminal has a modular connector does NOT mean
that a standard PC keyboard will work with it. In fact, it is not at all
common for dumb terminals to have the same keyboard protocol and
interface as a PC.

You need to check with the terminal manufacturer, otherwise you
run a very high risk of blowing a circuit or three.

Dr. Anton Squeegee, Director, Dutch Surrealist Plumbing Institute
(Known to some as Bruce Lane, KC7GR)
kyrrin a/t bluefeathertech d-o=t c&o&m
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"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati" (Red Green)
"Luke Albers" <> schreef in bericht
Hey everyone

I got a dummy terminal the other weekend, and the keyboard connector is
RJ-11 on it. I am trying to figure out how to replace the PS-2 or AT
connector on a keyboard with an RJ11 end.

The keyboard uses a four wire electrical interface that appears as below
when viewed from the end of the keyboard cable.


| 1 2 3 4 |

+--+ +--+


1) Rxd (Data to keyboard)

2) Gnd

3) +12v

4) Txd (Data from keyboard)

Here is a link to the pinouts of the kbd connectors:

A friend of mine has a connector to plug in his ps/2 keyboard to a RJ11
adaptor,and it is a real simple thing. no electronics, just wires. I
rather use an AT keyboard, and I see that pin 3 is not used, but I don't
really know where each of the other four wires goes in an RJ11 connector

I appreciate any help I can get

Well Luke,

A PC/AT/ps2 keyboard eats 5V. You will sure blow it when you feed it 12.

You did not tell what type of terminal you got. Most of the ones I know used
a kind of ASCII on a serial connection. If you still have the keyboard, you
best use it. If that's not an option (p.e. due to mechanical ruins) you may
nevertheless check the signals with a scope and build a converter. Which
requires a voltage regulator and a microcontroller..... You'd prefer a type
with a UART inside.


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Ok I think that my friend gave me the wrong pin diagram. The terminal
is an IBM 3153. I found another diagram that showed 5 pins, and it
ran off 5 V, and there was only one wire for data. I will have to
find the link again, but I think that my RJ-11 connectors only have 4
conductors (i hear some have 6 and are still called RJ11). I will
post the pinout that I found ASAP

"petrus bitbyter" <> wrote in message news:<_dayb.72420$>...
"Luke Albers" <> schreef in bericht
Hey everyone

I got a dummy terminal the other weekend, and the keyboard connector is
RJ-11 on it. I am trying to figure out how to replace the PS-2 or AT
connector on a keyboard with an RJ11 end.

The keyboard uses a four wire electrical interface that appears as below
when viewed from the end of the keyboard cable.


| 1 2 3 4 |

+--+ +--+


1) Rxd (Data to keyboard)

2) Gnd

3) +12v

4) Txd (Data from keyboard)

Here is a link to the pinouts of the kbd connectors:

A friend of mine has a connector to plug in his ps/2 keyboard to a RJ11
adaptor,and it is a real simple thing. no electronics, just wires. I
rather use an AT keyboard, and I see that pin 3 is not used, but I don't
really know where each of the other four wires goes in an RJ11 connector

I appreciate any help I can get

Well Luke,

A PC/AT/ps2 keyboard eats 5V. You will sure blow it when you feed it 12.

You did not tell what type of terminal you got. Most of the ones I know used
a kind of ASCII on a serial connection. If you still have the keyboard, you
best use it. If that's not an option (p.e. due to mechanical ruins) you may
nevertheless check the signals with a scope and build a converter. Which
requires a voltage regulator and a microcontroller..... You'd prefer a type
with a UART inside.


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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Version: 6.0.543 / Virus Database: 337 - Release Date: 22-11-2003
RJ11 Plug Pin Assignments

1 = KBD Clock
2 = KBD Data
+-----------+ 3 = No Connection
|1 2 3 4 5 6| 4 = Signal Ground
|. . . . . .| 5 = +5 Volts
+---+---+---+ 6 = No Connection
View = looking at plug.

OK I think that this is something that I can work with. Anyone know
how I could connect an AT keyboard?

"petrus bitbyter" <> wrote in message news:<_dayb.72420$>...
"Luke Albers" <> schreef in bericht
Hey everyone

I got a dummy terminal the other weekend, and the keyboard connector is
RJ-11 on it. I am trying to figure out how to replace the PS-2 or AT
connector on a keyboard with an RJ11 end.

The keyboard uses a four wire electrical interface that appears as below
when viewed from the end of the keyboard cable.


| 1 2 3 4 |

+--+ +--+


1) Rxd (Data to keyboard)

2) Gnd

3) +12v

4) Txd (Data from keyboard)

Here is a link to the pinouts of the kbd connectors:

A friend of mine has a connector to plug in his ps/2 keyboard to a RJ11
adaptor,and it is a real simple thing. no electronics, just wires. I
rather use an AT keyboard, and I see that pin 3 is not used, but I don't
really know where each of the other four wires goes in an RJ11 connector

I appreciate any help I can get

Well Luke,

A PC/AT/ps2 keyboard eats 5V. You will sure blow it when you feed it 12.

You did not tell what type of terminal you got. Most of the ones I know used
a kind of ASCII on a serial connection. If you still have the keyboard, you
best use it. If that's not an option (p.e. due to mechanical ruins) you may
nevertheless check the signals with a scope and build a converter. Which
requires a voltage regulator and a microcontroller..... You'd prefer a type
with a UART inside.


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.543 / Virus Database: 337 - Release Date: 22-11-2003
On 30 Nov 2003 20:52:26 -0800, (Luke Albers)

RJ11 Plug Pin Assignments

1 = KBD Clock
2 = KBD Data
+-----------+ 3 = No Connection
|1 2 3 4 5 6| 4 = Signal Ground
|. . . . . .| 5 = +5 Volts
+---+---+---+ 6 = No Connection
View = looking at plug.

OK I think that this is something that I can work with. Anyone know
how I could connect an AT keyboard?
In that case, you COULD connect the PS/2 data and clock signals to the
clock and data signals of the tremina, not saying it will work though.

"petrus bitbyter" <> wrote in message news:<_dayb.72420$>...
"Luke Albers" <> schreef in bericht
Hey everyone

I got a dummy terminal the other weekend, and the keyboard connector is
RJ-11 on it. I am trying to figure out how to replace the PS-2 or AT
connector on a keyboard with an RJ11 end.

The keyboard uses a four wire electrical interface that appears as below
when viewed from the end of the keyboard cable.


| 1 2 3 4 |

+--+ +--+


1) Rxd (Data to keyboard)

2) Gnd

3) +12v

4) Txd (Data from keyboard)

Here is a link to the pinouts of the kbd connectors:

A friend of mine has a connector to plug in his ps/2 keyboard to a RJ11
adaptor,and it is a real simple thing. no electronics, just wires. I
rather use an AT keyboard, and I see that pin 3 is not used, but I don't
really know where each of the other four wires goes in an RJ11 connector

I appreciate any help I can get

Well Luke,

A PC/AT/ps2 keyboard eats 5V. You will sure blow it when you feed it 12.

You did not tell what type of terminal you got. Most of the ones I know used
a kind of ASCII on a serial connection. If you still have the keyboard, you
best use it. If that's not an option (p.e. due to mechanical ruins) you may
nevertheless check the signals with a scope and build a converter. Which
requires a voltage regulator and a microcontroller..... You'd prefer a type
with a UART inside.


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.543 / Virus Database: 337 - Release Date: 22-11-2003
"Luke Albers" <> schreef in bericht
RJ11 Plug Pin Assignments

1 = KBD Clock
2 = KBD Data
+-----------+ 3 = No Connection
|1 2 3 4 5 6| 4 = Signal Ground
|. . . . . .| 5 = +5 Volts
+---+---+---+ 6 = No Connection
View = looking at plug.

OK I think that this is something that I can work with. Anyone know
how I could connect an AT keyboard?

You find the pinouts of an AT keyboard below. FAIK the XT keyboard had the
same 5 pin DIN connector and the same pinout but a different protocol. The
XT also used the reset pin, the AT did not. I still have an XT keyboard
equiped the modulair connector you mentioned but I did not check the pinout.

BTW The RJxx notation comes from the telco environment. It has to do with
pin identities and functions, not with pin positions or contact count.
Outside this specific environment, the RJxx notation is meaningless and
gives a lot of confusion.


Female End
1 ---------------------------------- KBDCLK (clock)
1 3 2 ---------------------------------- KBDAT (data)
3 1
4 5 3 ---------------------------------- KBRST (reset,not
used) 5 4
2 4 ---------------------------------- GND
5 ---------------------------------- VCC (+5V)


5 H 6 1 -------------------------------- KBDAT (data)
3 4 2 -------------------------------- not used
1 2 3 -------------------------------- GND
4 -------------------------------- VCC (+5v)
5 -------------------------------- KBCLK (clock)
6 -------------------------------- not used


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.543 / Virus Database: 337 - Release Date: 21-11-2003
Luke Albers wrote:
I got a dummy terminal the other weekend, and the keyboard connector is
RJ-11 on it. I am trying to figure out how to replace the PS-2 or AT
connector on a keyboard with an RJ11 end.
If it's something well-known like a DEC or IBM terminal, it might be
worthwhile to look on ebay for a matching keyboard.

Robert Vineyard - Georgia Tech OIT Campus Services
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