


Hi, <br>
I am having a problem during the synthesis (with ISE) of my design, with the following error message : <br>
"ERROR:HDLCompilers:88 - Parameter <br>
'INIT' does not exist in module 'FD'" <br>
Here are some details on this design : I am using a component I wrote in vhdl which instanciates a KCPSM 3 with a program rom.This component synthesizes perfectly, but when I'm trying to synthesize the top-level design, XST crashes. <br>
Actually, in the top-level, I am using other modules, written in verilog by Xilinx, which uses FD's.I think the problem is that the module definitions (in verilog) for synthesis black boxes for theses "FD" modules does not match with the corresponding component declarations in vhdl of a FD flip flop, because in vhdl this declarations INCLUDES a generic, which is the init value "INIT"... <br>
How can I solve this problem?
Below, I have included example code on how to infer or instantiate a FD
in VHDL and Verilog. You need to use a defparam for the initialization
string in Verilog. These examples are taken from the Libraries Guide
that can be found at:
-- go to http://support.xilinx.com/
-- click on "Documentation" on the top black bar
-- click on "Software Manuals" at the top of the page
-- click "6.1i SW Manuals" at the top of the page
-- click "HTML Collection"
-- expand "Libraries Guide" on the left
-- expand "Design Elements"
-- highlight "FD"


VHDL Inference Code
architecture Behavioral of fd is
process (C)
if C'event and C='1' then
Q &lt;= D;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;

Verilog Inference Code
always @ (posedge C) begin
Q &lt;= D;

VHDL Instantiation Template
-- Component Declaration for FD should be placed
-- after architecture statement but before begin keyword
component FD
-- synthesis translate_off
generic (INIT : bit := '1');
-- synthesis translate_on
port (Q : out STD_ULOGIC;
end component;
-- Component Attribute specification for FD
-- should be placed after architecture declaration but
-- before the begin keyword
attribute INIT : string;
attribute INIT of FD_instance_name : label is "0";
-- values can be (0 or 1)
-- Component Instantiation for FD should be placed
-- in architecture after the begin keyword
-- synthesis translate_off
generic map (INIT =&gt; bit_value)
-- synthesis translate_on
port map (Q =&gt; user_Q,
C =&gt; user_C,
D =&gt; user_D);

Verilog Instantiation Template
FD FD_instance_name (.Q (user_Q),
.C (user_C),
.D (user_D));
defparam FD_instance_name.INIT = bit_value;

Nico wrote:

I am having a problem during the synthesis (with ISE) of my design, with
the following error message :
"ERROR:HDLCompilers:88 - Parameter
'INIT' does not exist in module 'FD'"
Here are some details on this design : I am using a component I wrote in
vhdl which instanciates a KCPSM 3 with a program rom.This component
synthesizes perfectly, but when I'm trying to synthesize the top-level
design, XST crashes.
Actually, in the top-level, I am using other modules, written in verilog
by Xilinx, which uses FD's.I think the problem is that the module
definitions (in verilog) for synthesis black boxes for theses "FD"
modules does not match with the corresponding component declarations in
vhdl of a FD flip flop, because in vhdl this declarations INCLUDES a
generic, which is the init value "INIT"...
How can I solve this problem?
An important detail that I ommited : obviously when you use a KCPSM 3, the program rom is described in HDL (here in VHDL) using attribute definitions to describe the contents of the rom, that's the "INIT" statements I am talking about. My problem is that there seems to be some kind of non-compatiblity with VHDL mixed with Verilog..

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