jvc vcr hr-s2911u


Tom Postma

We had a power outage while the vcr was playing and it blew a fuse when
the power came back on ,i replaced the fuse which blew instantly,i
replaced that one with a 1.6a ( the original was a1.25a)thinking that
the motor might be jammed as the vcr is in the on position,it also blew
instantly,is there a way i can get the tape out and try another fuse or
is there something else wrong.Thanks for all replies.Tom
We had a power outage while the vcr was playing and it blew a fuse when
the power came back on ,i replaced the fuse which blew instantly,i
replaced that one with a 1.6a ( the original was a1.25a)thinking that
the motor might be jammed as the vcr is in the on position,it also blew
instantly,is there a way i can get the tape out and try another fuse or
is there something else wrong.Thanks for all replies.Tom
It is pretty likely that your VCR has been destroyed beyond economical repair.
Unless the current market price for your (exact, specific) VCR is more than
US$500, or if it is under a comprehensive repair/replace warranty, then you
should donate it as-is to a charity and buy another.

If you have plenty of time and cost is no real object....start by re-building
the SMPS, then replace the control CPU, then the tuner. After that...you've
really replaced the whole machine.
There's no reason to think the cpu or tuner are involved. Just the power
supply. No place for a newbie, though.

Mark Z.

Please reply only to Group. I regret this is necessary. Viruses and spam
have rendered my regular e-mail address useless.

"WEBPA" <webpa@aol.com> wrote in message
We had a power outage while the vcr was playing and it blew a fuse when
the power came back on ,i replaced the fuse which blew instantly,i
replaced that one with a 1.6a ( the original was a1.25a)thinking that
the motor might be jammed as the vcr is in the on position,it also blew
instantly,is there a way i can get the tape out and try another fuse or
is there something else wrong.Thanks for all replies.Tom

It is pretty likely that your VCR has been destroyed beyond economical
Unless the current market price for your (exact, specific) VCR is more
US$500, or if it is under a comprehensive repair/replace warranty, then
should donate it as-is to a charity and buy another.

If you have plenty of time and cost is no real object....start by
the SMPS, then replace the control CPU, then the tuner. After
really replaced the whole machine.
I certainly would NOT suspect the TUNER or the CPU..... neither one would
most likely NOT be responsible for the fuse blowing in the power supply.
The problem is very likely in the power supply itself and may be quite
economical to fix depending on what is wrong..... could be just a shorted
switching transistor, shorted diode, bad cap, etc. Not a fix for a newbie,
take it to a shop for at the very least a repair cost estimate so you can
make an intelligent repair decision..... and DON'T try putting in more
fuses, this could damage more parts.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair
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"WEBPA" <webpa@aol.com> wrote in message
We had a power outage while the vcr was playing and it blew a fuse when
the power came back on ,i replaced the fuse which blew instantly,i
replaced that one with a 1.6a ( the original was a1.25a)thinking that
the motor might be jammed as the vcr is in the on position,it also blew
instantly,is there a way i can get the tape out and try another fuse or
is there something else wrong.Thanks for all replies.Tom

It is pretty likely that your VCR has been destroyed beyond economical
Unless the current market price for your (exact, specific) VCR is more
US$500, or if it is under a comprehensive repair/replace warranty, then
should donate it as-is to a charity and buy another.

If you have plenty of time and cost is no real object....start by
the SMPS, then replace the control CPU, then the tuner. After
really replaced the whole machine.
This sounds like the power supply is blown. This is no job for an armature
or home servicer. Take the unit to a service centre and get a proper
estimate. You may find it not economically worth to service.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG
WebPage http://www.zoom-one.com
Electronics http://www.zoom-one.com/electron.htm

"Tom Postma" <hilbilly87@sympatico.ca> wrote in message
We had a power outage while the vcr was playing and it blew a fuse when
the power came back on ,i replaced the fuse which blew instantly,i
replaced that one with a 1.6a ( the original was a1.25a)thinking that
the motor might be jammed as the vcr is in the on position,it also blew
instantly,is there a way i can get the tape out and try another fuse or
is there something else wrong.Thanks for all replies.Tom

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