JVC TV fault - advice needed.




I have a JVC TV model no. AV-29SX1EK with an intermittent fault. Sound
is OK but occasionally the screen will go completely green or will
display a green zig-zag line for a couple of seconds. Other than that,
the picture is crystal clear. Could be a component parametric failure or
perhaps a dry joint but where to look?

Any suggestions? No - I can't afford a new telly!


N.B. The above was originally posted to sci.electronics.design
yesterday. I was advised to re-post here.
Check for cold solder connections, especially around the CRT socket, and
back to the video amp drives on the main chassis. If none are found,
then the next step is to monitor the various supply voltages to
determine where the failure is. I would not rule out an intermittent
short in the CRT itself.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG
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"simon" <simon@capella.demon.co.uk> wrote in message

I have a JVC TV model no. AV-29SX1EK with an intermittent fault. Sound
is OK but occasionally the screen will go completely green or will
display a green zig-zag line for a couple of seconds. Other than that,
the picture is crystal clear. Could be a component parametric failure or
perhaps a dry joint but where to look?

Any suggestions? No - I can't afford a new telly!


N.B. The above was originally posted to sci.electronics.design
yesterday. I was advised to re-post here.
Flyback lines and flashing of one colour? If it has a Philips CRT then that
is likely to be the problem, and won't be economical to repair if it is.
Looks like you could be another victim of the Philips CRT epidemic!

"simon" <simon@capella.demon.co.uk> wrote in message

I have a JVC TV model no. AV-29SX1EK with an intermittent fault. Sound
is OK but occasionally the screen will go completely green or will
display a green zig-zag line for a couple of seconds. Other than that,
the picture is crystal clear. Could be a component parametric failure or
perhaps a dry joint but where to look?

Any suggestions? No - I can't afford a new telly!


N.B. The above was originally posted to sci.electronics.design
yesterday. I was advised to re-post here.

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