JVC AV-27820 Shuts down



In for a repair is a JVC that powers up and then shuts down in a second or 2.
HV come on but no raster and no sound. It came in with a shorted Horiz output.
The 130 volts come up and stays their. I also changed the vertical output and
the 9 volt regulator and still will not stay on. The led on the panel will
start blinking after it shuts down. The 27 volt supply the the Vertical goes up
to about 15v before going down... Any help, Thanks....Johnace
On 20 Oct 2003 01:36:15 GMT, johnace@aol.com (JohnAce) wrote:

In for a repair is a JVC that powers up and then shuts down in a second or 2.
HV come on but no raster and no sound. It came in with a shorted Horiz output.
The 130 volts come up and stays their. I also changed the vertical output and
the 9 volt regulator and still will not stay on. The led on the panel will
start blinking after it shuts down. The 27 volt supply the the Vertical goes up
to about 15v before going down... Any help, Thanks....Johnace
Give tv 2 to 3 shots of power up attempts then unplug and feel the
area where transistor is the horizontal output steel heatsink? warm?
Then there is a problem with secondaries or flyback itself.

Also make sure the power resistors are soldered well including the two
for the HOT driver transformer.


Nothing is warm and flyback is new, I also checked the the tdriver xfmr for bad
connections and all was good.. Isoldered them anyway
On 20 Oct 2003 20:59:51 GMT, johnace@aol.com (JohnAce) wrote:

Nothing is warm and flyback is new, I also checked the the tdriver xfmr for bad
connections and all was good.. Isoldered them anyway

Check the vertical circuit, unsolder the 26V input pin on vertical IC?
They tend to fail and load down the 26V. Check for 75V zener isn't
shorted and change the 100uF 35V cap while changing vertical IC.



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