Randy Day
I worked up the circuit below to create an isolated DC
supply, and it works (sort of). It's a 555 astable running
at ~500KHz into a voltage doubler.
I get an unloaded voltage of 7v, dropping to 1.5v under
load. My problem is that I'd like to get >5v at 20ma
continuous out of it. Any suggestions on how to improve the
current output (assuming it's possible)?
Failing that, can anyone point me to a simple 5v-5v
DC converter circuit w/isolation?
.-. | |
| | .----------.
1k | | | 4 8 | 100nf
'-' | | ||
+----|7 3|-||-+--->|--+------+ X---|
.-. | | || | | | |
| | | LM555 | | |10uf | |
10k | | | | | --- | |
'-' | | - --- | |
|--+-|2 | ^ | |10uf |
100 --- +-|6 5 1 | | | --- .-.
pf --- '----------' || | | --- | |
| | +---||-|-------+ | | |Rload
GND --- | || | |10uf | '-'
--- | 100nf| --- | |
| GND | --- | |
GND | | | |
|-------+------+ X---|
(created by AACircuit v1.28.6 beta 04/19/05 www.tech-
supply, and it works (sort of). It's a 555 astable running
at ~500KHz into a voltage doubler.
I get an unloaded voltage of 7v, dropping to 1.5v under
load. My problem is that I'd like to get >5v at 20ma
continuous out of it. Any suggestions on how to improve the
current output (assuming it's possible)?
Failing that, can anyone point me to a simple 5v-5v
DC converter circuit w/isolation?
.-. | |
| | .----------.
1k | | | 4 8 | 100nf
'-' | | ||
+----|7 3|-||-+--->|--+------+ X---|
.-. | | || | | | |
| | | LM555 | | |10uf | |
10k | | | | | --- | |
'-' | | - --- | |
|--+-|2 | ^ | |10uf |
100 --- +-|6 5 1 | | | --- .-.
pf --- '----------' || | | --- | |
| | +---||-|-------+ | | |Rload
GND --- | || | |10uf | '-'
--- | 100nf| --- | |
| GND | --- | |
GND | | | |
|-------+------+ X---|
(created by AACircuit v1.28.6 beta 04/19/05 www.tech-