Once you have a few resistors on a schematic, it\'s tempting to do what
you want using existing values. That reduces the BOM and the
pick-and-place setup. There are far more possibilities if you are
willing to compromise things some, or put resistors in series and
parallel. This is a 4-page schematic with 9 different resistors. Doing
this is an enormous PITA.
Saved a DAC reference chip! Actually, having the DAC voltage
ratiometric on +15 is a benefit here.
That opamp should be stable with the tantalum load and a 1u ceramic at
the DAC, but I\'ll verify that.
Father Brown\'s figure remained quite dark and still;
but in that instant he had lost his head. His head was
always most valuable when he had lost it.
you want using existing values. That reduces the BOM and the
pick-and-place setup. There are far more possibilities if you are
willing to compromise things some, or put resistors in series and
parallel. This is a 4-page schematic with 9 different resistors. Doing
this is an enormous PITA.
Saved a DAC reference chip! Actually, having the DAC voltage
ratiometric on +15 is a benefit here.
That opamp should be stable with the tantalum load and a 1u ceramic at
the DAC, but I\'ll verify that.
Father Brown\'s figure remained quite dark and still;
but in that instant he had lost his head. His head was
always most valuable when he had lost it.