jtag problem with atmega128



I bought Atmega128 and I made jtagice(homemade) if I connect atmega and want
debug on chip program write that chip sent wrong JTAG ID to jtag. If I try
more and more times debug on chip, chip still send another number of DEVICE
ID and still wrong...

I don't understand what is wrong with it?

(I have good programed fuse JTAGEN and sure good connection to chip and jtag
to pc serial port)
(I try this with IAR Workbech 3.10A and Atmel Studio 4.07 build 240 both
programs wrote same problem)
(I try program chip with easy program with led thought isp and it works ok
Chip is too good)
(Jtag ice is good because comunicate OK
Getting revisions.. HW: 0xc0, SW Major: 0x78, SW Minor: 0x00 .. OK
Getting VTARGET.. 6.2V .. OK)

Thank you

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