I've seen the following questions asked on job applications:
Are you presently working? and...
May we contact your present employer?
For the first question.....
Can they find this out on their own? And if they do, how?
For the second question, May we contact your present employer?
If you say yes, I guess it shows them that you are not hiding
anything. But if your present employer doesn't know you are looking
for work, and this potential employer calls them, you may have screwed
yourself at your present job! So, how have most of you answered this
question? Answer anonymously if you want.
Are you presently working? and...
May we contact your present employer?
For the first question.....
Can they find this out on their own? And if they do, how?
For the second question, May we contact your present employer?
If you say yes, I guess it shows them that you are not hiding
anything. But if your present employer doesn't know you are looking
for work, and this potential employer calls them, you may have screwed
yourself at your present job! So, how have most of you answered this
question? Answer anonymously if you want.