Jim Rowe - EA Editor


Phil Allison

"Mike Paull"
Ahhh, memories. I used to look forward to receiving my copy of Electronics
Australia, and Australian Electronics Monthly. How sad that all these
on we now only have one electronics magazine left. I can understand why he
resigned when EA turned into EAT, which was more or less a copy of T3.

Phil, which project articles did you submit?

** Every project article I ever submitted to EA was published and well paid

Starting with:

True RMS Adaptor - May 1985.

Power Transistor Tester - May 1988

Low Distortion Oscillator #1 - Feb 1989

Low Distortion Oscillator #2 - Mar 1989

Miniosc (audio oscillator ) - Dec 1996

RMS Current Monitor - Jun 1997

Audio Frequency Shifter - Aug 1997

FET DI Box - Feb 1998

Variable Frequency Drive - July 1998

Plus many letters to the editor, several CDI items ( one of which won a
valuable prize ) and the infamous Forum re Dick Smith Electronics placing *
fraudulent * Ni-Cd battery advertisements in EA magazine itself !!!

PLUS and not least - exposing Rod Irving Electronics for selling
counterfeit Motorola power transistors with ads in EA magazine.

Shame I never got DSE " bang to rights" for doing the same in the early
1980s with the TICs or later on in 2000 with fake MJs when EA converted to
the putrid EAT.

........ Phil
Phil Allison wrote:
"Mike Paull"

Ahhh, memories. I used to look forward to receiving my copy of Electronics
Australia, and Australian Electronics Monthly. How sad that all these
on we now only have one electronics magazine left. I can understand why he
resigned when EA turned into EAT, which was more or less a copy of T3.

Phil, which project articles did you submit?

** Every project article I ever submitted to EA was published and well paid

Starting with:

True RMS Adaptor - May 1985.

Power Transistor Tester - May 1988

Low Distortion Oscillator #1 - Feb 1989

Low Distortion Oscillator #2 - Mar 1989

Miniosc (audio oscillator ) - Dec 1996

RMS Current Monitor - Jun 1997

Audio Frequency Shifter - Aug 1997

FET DI Box - Feb 1998

Variable Frequency Drive - July 1998
that was cute. well done.

Plus many letters to the editor, several CDI items ( one of which won a
valuable prize ) and the infamous Forum re Dick Smith Electronics placing *
fraudulent * Ni-Cd battery advertisements in EA magazine itself !!!

PLUS and not least - exposing Rod Irving Electronics for selling
counterfeit Motorola power transistors with ads in EA magazine.

Shame I never got DSE " bang to rights" for doing the same in the early
1980s with the TICs or later on in 2000 with fake MJs when EA converted to
the putrid EAT.

....... Phil

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