Rebecca Loptyui
Oswald, Greer, Grassy Knoll, are all UFO's invented by Jews to make
suckers chase butterflies! Jews were right about "single bullet
theory" but the single bullet was fired by Jackie! Jews came up with
the name "single bullet theory" before Jackie fired the single bullet
like Jews came up with the name "9/11" before 9/11.
You can see the Jew Jackie killing JFK in the Zapruder film like you
can see the Jew controlled demolitions in a 9/11 film!
Jackie was genetically a Jew (through her mother side). LBJ was
genetically a Jew with a Jew wife on top of it. Zapruder, Ruby,
Specter were all officially Jews. Warren was a communist which is a
code word for a Jew or a Jew clone.
Jew Zapruder films Jew Jackie killing JFK -> Kennedys shut up -> Jew
LBJ becomes US President -> Jew Ruby kills Oswald -> Jew Specter
invents "single bullet theory" -> Jews on Warren Commission blame a
dead guy -> Jews in Israel get the nukes and plant the nukes in your
cities! -> Any questions?
Now you know why the media Jews reported Ruby saying I did it for
Jackie". Some Jews even reported Ruby saying I did it for Jackie so
she wouldnt have to go through all that coming back here for the
trial and everything. Whether Ruby said any of this is irrelevant.
What is relevant is that Jews themselves reported it as a coded
message to other Jews around the world. This meant there would be no
trial (any trial would reveal that Jackie pulled the trigger and not
Oswald), and now all Jews can start selling their nonsensical JFK
theories to idiots around the world!
Now you know why the media Jews reported both Ruby and Jackie dying of
"fast-acting cancers". Whether any of them died of cancer is
irrelevant. What is relevant is that both Ruby and Jackie talked too
much before they died! Jews whacked their own and reported them as
"fast-acting cancers" to send a warning to other Jews!
Oswald and Osama! Both killed by Jews and both blamed for Jew crimes
by Jew "Commissions". Dead people don't go to trials that require
evidence! Jews killed Oswald first and then sentenced him without a
trial with the Warren Commission!
Now you know why JFK's father stayed at home during JFK funeral, why
JFK's mother did not join the funeral procession and went home early,
why all Kennedys were so quiet about the JFK investigation! Jews shut
Kennedys up by using a Kennedy to kill JFK!
Now you know why Jews turned Jackie into such a fairy tale princess
with their Jew media! Jews are Masters of Inversions of Values!
Now you know why there is no single Jew book about the right-in-your-
face answer but truckloads of Jew books about nonsensical theories
invented by Jews!
Now you know why Zapruder, a Jew, just happened to be with a camera on
the right spot at Dealey Plaza! Jews wanted a Jew to film their Jew
masterpiece and then laugh at you for decades!
Now you know why Jews built their fraudulent "Holocaust Museum", full
of Jew lies, just a few blocks away from Dealey Plaza! The biggest
Criminals on Earth love to masquerade as the biggest Victims on Earth,
esp. next to the scenes of their own crimes!
Once JFK was officially "shot" in his throat (most probably he was
incapaciated by some nerve agent because there was no visible blood,
also Jackie and Connally did not show any concern), Jackie totally
ignored her husband who appeared to be gasping for air and she watched
Connally instead the whole time. Then as if on some kind of signal
from Connally, Jackie put her right arm behind JFK's head and JFK's
brains blew out the same second!
Then Jackie climbed the trunk in the rear while JFK's body parts blew
out to the front where the bullet exited. What are the odds for a
normal person to climb the trunk when bullets are supposedly flying?
The first reaction of any normal person would be to duck, it would be
easy to hide on the floor of such a big limo. Unless Jackie was scared
of something incriminating on the trunk. Especially, when Jackie
showed enough composure by acting with her arms like a surgeon just a
few second before. Especially, with the official explanation that some
parts of JFK's brains were on the trunk when it was totally impossible
because his brains blew out to the front and not back.
The grassy knoll played the role of distraction, a shooter there was
shooting probably blanks or shooting away from the limo because all in
the limo except JFK were part of the conspiracy and it was too risky
to shoot near the limo. There is no hard evidence that Connally was
shot in the limo.
Watch this clip from the original Zapruder film:
Reputable talk show host Charles Giuliani discusses who really pulled
the trigger on JFK. Listen to his archived audio files. This audio
file has his main discussion (move the time slider to 49 mins):
Other shows he discussed this topic:
If you are interested in the big picture:
suckers chase butterflies! Jews were right about "single bullet
theory" but the single bullet was fired by Jackie! Jews came up with
the name "single bullet theory" before Jackie fired the single bullet
like Jews came up with the name "9/11" before 9/11.
You can see the Jew Jackie killing JFK in the Zapruder film like you
can see the Jew controlled demolitions in a 9/11 film!
Jackie was genetically a Jew (through her mother side). LBJ was
genetically a Jew with a Jew wife on top of it. Zapruder, Ruby,
Specter were all officially Jews. Warren was a communist which is a
code word for a Jew or a Jew clone.
Jew Zapruder films Jew Jackie killing JFK -> Kennedys shut up -> Jew
LBJ becomes US President -> Jew Ruby kills Oswald -> Jew Specter
invents "single bullet theory" -> Jews on Warren Commission blame a
dead guy -> Jews in Israel get the nukes and plant the nukes in your
cities! -> Any questions?
Now you know why the media Jews reported Ruby saying I did it for
Jackie". Some Jews even reported Ruby saying I did it for Jackie so
she wouldnt have to go through all that coming back here for the
trial and everything. Whether Ruby said any of this is irrelevant.
What is relevant is that Jews themselves reported it as a coded
message to other Jews around the world. This meant there would be no
trial (any trial would reveal that Jackie pulled the trigger and not
Oswald), and now all Jews can start selling their nonsensical JFK
theories to idiots around the world!
Now you know why the media Jews reported both Ruby and Jackie dying of
"fast-acting cancers". Whether any of them died of cancer is
irrelevant. What is relevant is that both Ruby and Jackie talked too
much before they died! Jews whacked their own and reported them as
"fast-acting cancers" to send a warning to other Jews!
Oswald and Osama! Both killed by Jews and both blamed for Jew crimes
by Jew "Commissions". Dead people don't go to trials that require
evidence! Jews killed Oswald first and then sentenced him without a
trial with the Warren Commission!
Now you know why JFK's father stayed at home during JFK funeral, why
JFK's mother did not join the funeral procession and went home early,
why all Kennedys were so quiet about the JFK investigation! Jews shut
Kennedys up by using a Kennedy to kill JFK!
Now you know why Jews turned Jackie into such a fairy tale princess
with their Jew media! Jews are Masters of Inversions of Values!
Now you know why there is no single Jew book about the right-in-your-
face answer but truckloads of Jew books about nonsensical theories
invented by Jews!
Now you know why Zapruder, a Jew, just happened to be with a camera on
the right spot at Dealey Plaza! Jews wanted a Jew to film their Jew
masterpiece and then laugh at you for decades!
Now you know why Jews built their fraudulent "Holocaust Museum", full
of Jew lies, just a few blocks away from Dealey Plaza! The biggest
Criminals on Earth love to masquerade as the biggest Victims on Earth,
esp. next to the scenes of their own crimes!
Once JFK was officially "shot" in his throat (most probably he was
incapaciated by some nerve agent because there was no visible blood,
also Jackie and Connally did not show any concern), Jackie totally
ignored her husband who appeared to be gasping for air and she watched
Connally instead the whole time. Then as if on some kind of signal
from Connally, Jackie put her right arm behind JFK's head and JFK's
brains blew out the same second!
Then Jackie climbed the trunk in the rear while JFK's body parts blew
out to the front where the bullet exited. What are the odds for a
normal person to climb the trunk when bullets are supposedly flying?
The first reaction of any normal person would be to duck, it would be
easy to hide on the floor of such a big limo. Unless Jackie was scared
of something incriminating on the trunk. Especially, when Jackie
showed enough composure by acting with her arms like a surgeon just a
few second before. Especially, with the official explanation that some
parts of JFK's brains were on the trunk when it was totally impossible
because his brains blew out to the front and not back.
The grassy knoll played the role of distraction, a shooter there was
shooting probably blanks or shooting away from the limo because all in
the limo except JFK were part of the conspiracy and it was too risky
to shoot near the limo. There is no hard evidence that Connally was
shot in the limo.
Watch this clip from the original Zapruder film:
Reputable talk show host Charles Giuliani discusses who really pulled
the trigger on JFK. Listen to his archived audio files. This audio
file has his main discussion (move the time slider to 49 mins):
Other shows he discussed this topic:
If you are interested in the big picture: