Java programming on 8051


Dean Krick

I would like to program an 8051 using Java. I know this is a really bad
idea, especially since C is so much nicer and widely supported. I want
to teach microprocessors to my AP computer science class after the AP
test. FYI, the computer science test is in Java now, (not in C++
anymore). Learning another language isn't probable due to time
constraints and confusion. Any resources/ideas would be greatly
appreciated. Are there other chip sets other than the 8051 which support
Java programming? Thanx
Dean Krick.
On Wed, 18 May 2005 15:58:30 +0000, Dean Krick wrote:

I would like to program an 8051 using Java. I know this is a really bad
idea, especially since C is so much nicer and widely supported. I want
to teach microprocessors to my AP computer science class after the AP
test. FYI, the computer science test is in Java now, (not in C++
anymore). Learning another language isn't probable due to time
constraints and confusion. Any resources/ideas would be greatly
appreciated. Are there other chip sets other than the 8051 which support
Java programming? Thanx
Dean Krick.
If you really merely want to teach microprocessor principles, then
write an emulator as an applet, and let them run it on their laptops, and
let them see the program counter, instruction register, ALU, and so
on, do their thing.

If you want to teach them hands-on real microprocessors, then avoid
Java like the plague, bite the bullet, and get some BASIC Stamp trainers
or something.

if the students understand Java, learning C shouldn't be that hard. CS
students at my university are required to do it fast. The intro class
is Java, then the structures class uses C within two weeks of starting.
All that really changes are I/O and structures/classes. Both of which
are different for uCs anyway.
Dean Krick wrote:
I would like to program an 8051 using Java. I know this is a really
idea, especially since C is so much nicer and widely supported. I
to teach microprocessors to my AP computer science class after the AP

test. FYI, the computer science test is in Java now, (not in C++
anymore). Learning another language isn't probable due to time
constraints and confusion. Any resources/ideas would be greatly
appreciated. Are there other chip sets other than the 8051 which
Java programming? Thanx
Dean Krick.
I'm hearing you say you've got a group of computer science students who
don't have a lot of electronics hardware background, and you just want
them to have a quick overview of a hardware uC setup using a language
they're very familiar with. (Hopefully, without paying an arm and a
leg -- this is an academic environment.)

One thing that comes to mind for a quick&dirty intro to
microcontrollers for the Java over-enhanced is the Javelin Stamp, made
by our friends at Parallax.

It's a hybrid circuit on an alumina substrate with DIP pins. It's got
the same footprint as the BASIC Stamp II, with an SX-type chip on
board. I believe the "compiler" software actually tokenizes the text
file containing the program, then sends the tokens to the Stamp to run.
Their setup will give you the I/O you need, and it uses a subset of
the Java language. The biggest downside is that you can't mix
higher-level language and assembler, like you can with most
microcontrollers or single board computers that are supported by a
higher-level language.

Parallax is very good at providing data and literature that's suitable
for newbies. They've also published a project book for the Javelin
Stamp which might be of help. Look on the website for more
information. (Disclaimer: I haven't used the Javelin Stamp myself.)

Once you've purchased a starter kit, you should be able to etch a
programming board and cobble up what's needed for individual students
or pairs to have a "programming pod" from what you've got laying

Although it might be useful in giving students who know Java an intro
into microcontrollers, I don't see this becoming a very popular option
for uC high-level language compilers. I'd just tell your students to
take a flying leap into the C. But obviously, I don't teach. ;-)

Good luck

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