Robert Baer
Rich wrote:
Entering that exactly in the GoTo line of my browser, i get "Netscape
is unable to locate the server (no name specified) ...".
And clicking on the blueline, i get "Error! News server responded: No
such article".
Paint me ignorant; how do i get there?Ron Jackson wrote:
I've been using Ivex for a few years and have several board designs
created with them. I had a hard drive crash and lost the installation
files for WinDraft and for the new WinBoard cleanup utility (but I
have a backup of the WinBoard installation file).
Since Ivex is out of business, could some kind soul out there email
(or give me a link for) the WDshare installation file and cleanup
utility installation file?
Thanks for your help!
-- Ron
I posted Windraft 3.12 and winboard 2.27 at
username: publicarea
password: MyVisitor
PS: I switched to Eagle last month and haven't crashed yet!
Entering that exactly in the GoTo line of my browser, i get "Netscape
is unable to locate the server (no name specified) ...".
And clicking on the blueline, i get "Error! News server responded: No
such article".