ITRI’s International Graduate Scholarship Program in Taiwan

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Whether you seek to pursue your doctoral degree in world-class science
and engineering universities, or connect with the top-notch high-tech
companies and R&D institutes, ITRI$B!G(Bs International Graduate
Scholarship Program in Taiwan offers both academic and employment
opportunities to fulfill students$B!G(B aspiration.
This year, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in Taiwan
announces an exciting development opportunity in science & technology
frontier$B!=(BThe International Graduate Scholarship Program$B!=(Bto offer
foreign MS degree holders a comprehensive 4-year scholarship to pursue
their Ph.D. in Taiwan and make their dreams come true.
To recruit international talents, as the leading driver for industries
in Taiwan, ITRI cooperates with National Tsing-Hua University (NTHU)
and National Chiao-Tung University (NCTU) to present a new project$B!=(B
ITRI Graduate Scholarship Program (Ph.D.), which includes scholarship
and internship project for research & development. The international
graduate student who accepted into this program will gain a ticket to
study his/her Ph.D. degree in NTHU or NCTU University, famed for their
achievements in science & technology frontier.
The foreign graduate in this program can obtain the total tuition
subsidy as well as monthly scholarship of US$ 900. Even more exciting,
many renowned IEEE Fellows are included on the guiding professor list
in this program. To work in ITRI for further research & development
will be realized once a graduate completes his/her study credit, with
extra stipend for Research Assistantship provided during the
dissertation research as well. Additionally, after graduation, a job
opportunity at ITRI may be offered, providing participants the chance
to develop their career in science & technology research.

What makes Taiwan an excellent environment for foreign students to do
research? Why can ITRI$B!G(Bs program offer the premium surroundings for
international graduates with abundant resources? Taiwan is among the
most important high-tech centers in the world, renowned for 3C
(computer, communication and consumer) electronic products and
technologies, and therefore it is vibrant for technology
entrepreneurship. Because of this, researchers and high-tech
enterprises in Taiwan are extremely active and innovative in science &
technology development. ITRI, for encouraging more students to develop
tech in Taiwan, has established this research-expense-free project to
recruit more outstanding international graduates worldwide.

Over the years, ITRI has nurtured more than 160 new enterprises,
including the top two international semiconductor firms famed in
Taiwan, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (tsmc) and
United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), both of which were both
spun off from ITRI's laboratories.

ITRI also provides an outstanding environment for individual career
development. Since 1973, more than 19,000 'alumni' of ITRI have gone
on to successful careers in high-tech industry, including more than 70
CEOs. In addition, in order to encourage innovation and patent
development, ITRI shares with researchers 25% of royalty revenue
generated by their patents.

$B!|(B Pursue your doctoral degree at either NCTU or NTHU, two world-class
science and engineering universities.
$B!|(B Participate in the grand challenge research programs at ITRI, most
prominently in interdisciplinary areas.
$B!|(B Work and learn with some of the most outstanding researchers in the
$B!|(B Connect with the top-notch high-tech companies and R&D institutes in
Taiwan for employment opportunities.

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$B!!(BFor further information, please check the following:
$B!!(BTEL:+886-3-5917886 / +886-3-5912994$B!!(BE-mail:

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