ITK application can no longer process Pcells in 6.10



Hello. I have an ITK application that we have been supporting since
forever (4.1, I think? ;>).
Anyway, in previous versions we had to invoke lmInit() and
ilInitClients() after dbInit(), in order
to be able to process Pcells or any other ITK/Pcell-safe SKILL code.

In the "What's New" doc, this language specifically discontinues the
lmInit() requirement:

As of the 6.1 release, itkDB calls lmInit() as part of the
therefore specific calls to lmInit are no longer needed.

In previous releases, in order for contexts be loaded and to
properly, calls to lmInit() and ilInitClients() were
required. ITKDB
now does perform a license check and dbInit() calls lmInit().

I hope all would agree that the fate of ilInitClients() is a left a
bit ambigous by the above.

Well, not really a surprise when I don't call ilInitClients(), I get a
SKILL error processing even the simplest Pcell (the
'symbolToString or 'stringToSymbol routine is not defined!). The
problem is, the ilInitClients() C routine is not defined anywhere for
64bit linking. (I did find it in for 32bit Linux, but
that library doesn't exist in the 64bit directory).


Thank you!

- Craig Handler
Dear Craig,

Your problem is known and resolved by Cadence in version
IC6.1.1.500.10 (PCR 4012831), so please check your IC Version.
==> Cadence's sourcelink : SR11338394: ITKDB:Missing the 64bit version
of ilInitClients().
For more details, please ask your Cadence Support or Andrew.

On May 11, 6:19 pm, Riad KACED <> wrote:
Dear Craig,

Your problem is known and resolved by Cadence in version
IC6.1.1.500.10 (PCR 4012831), so please check your IC Version.
==> Cadence's sourcelink : SR11338394: ITKDB:Missing the 64bit version
of ilInitClients().
For more details, please ask your Cadence Support or Andrew.


Thank you for your quick reply. I am currently installing 6.1.1 and
6.1.2. I guess
I should have checked the PCRs for newer releases before I posted,
hunh? :-}

I will report back when I get further.

Thanks again.

- Craig
The most important for you is to figure it out and make it working.
No matter if posted or not.

Good luck anyway


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