Italy\'s Po River Valley A Disaster...


Fred Bloggs

The river, which runs 405 miles across northern Italy, has long been used as a necessary resource for drinking water, regional agriculture, fishing and hydroelectric power. The valley that the river flows through produces approximately 40% of Italy\'s food, including soy, corn and rice.

Latest estimates are they will lose 30-40% of their yield this year.

Guess they won\'t be having one of those stupid \"festivals\" where they waste excess harvests with fruit throwing fights and other stupidities.

Skip over the dumb intro about the bomb:

In other news :
Deadly flooding after summer’s worth of rain deluges Seoul in 48 hours

Another one of those 1,000 year events we\'re seeing EVERY DAY happened in Death Valley- a completely exaggerated story:

Death Valley roads ripped apart during ‘once in a 1,000-year’ flood

Of course cars are going to be buried in debris when they\'re parked at the base of mountain...

Roads \"ripped apart\" huh? Roads by necessity there have to be cheap. Slightest little bit of flowing water undercuts the edges and causes a collapse. The HORROR of it!

Rhine is so low the cargo ships are being loaded only half full or less, just something else to drive the cost of everything sky high:

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