It\\\'s Putin\\\'s fault!...

On 23/06/2022 12:59 pm, John Doe wrote:
Might be a false alarm, but... There might be some serious trouble brewing to
do with Lithuania and Russia (and of course Western NATO aggression).

Seems NATO is upset Russia is pulverizing haughty Ukraine, so it\'s poking the
bear harder. Hopefully it doesn\'t lead to a major escalation.

Did forget to say your bikes are interesting.
Eddie, the Astraweb nym-shifting forger is trolling off-topic and other posts
with its copy of my ID, then replies (or not) to its own post, strangely, as if it
were replying to me.

See also...
Edward H. <dtgamer99>
Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99>
Peter Weiner <dtgamer99>
John Doe <always.look message.header> (Astraweb,
Bertrand Sindri <bertrand.sindri> (unlikely but possible)

John Doe <always.look@message.header> wrote:

From: John Doe <always.look@message.header
Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?____Institutional_investors_have_bought_hundreds_of_?=
References: <
Injection-Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2022 20:55:28 -0000 (UTC)
Injection-Info:; posting-host=\"aefae07b417003b570527823e77a9930\"; logging-data=\"29200\"; mail-complaints-to=\"\"; posting-account=\"U2FsdGVkX18QBXYPJWay5G0R7zD10mjY5gUD5xOvt6I=\"
User-Agent: Xnews/2006.08.05
Lines: 45
Message-ID: <445xK.439096$
NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2022 00:55:28 UTC
Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2022 00:55:28 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 2877
Xref: free.spam:20331

Google Groups spam...

a a <> wrote:

X-Received: by 2002:a05:620a:25c9:b0:6b2:7409:892e with SMTP id y9-20020a05620a25c900b006b27409892emr11832493qko.367.1657061409332;
Tue, 05 Jul 2022 15:50:09 -0700 (PDT)
X-Received: by 2002:a25:b4c:0:b0:66e:32f8:84ee with SMTP id
73-20020a250b4c000000b0066e32f884eemr18363947ybl.347.1657061409025; Tue, 05
Jul 2022 15:50:09 -0700 (PDT)
Path: not-for-mail
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2022 15:50:08 -0700 (PDT)
Injection-Info:; posting-host=; posting-account=XS5sXwoAAABKU0kHcsk_nashWaidAu0Q
User-Agent: G2/1.0
MIME-Version: 1.0
Message-ID: <
Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?____Institutional_investors_have_bought_hundreds_of_?=
From: a a <
Injection-Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2022 22:50:09 +0000
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
X-Received-Bytes: 1958

Latest News
All Times Eastern

Judge throws out Trump-era rollbacks to endangered-species protections
Institutional investors have bought hundreds of thousands of homes, man=
y in Black communities. Critics say it=E2=80=99s creating a =E2=80=98genera=
tion of renters=E2=80=99
Most essential workers have seen their pay increase during the pandemic=
=E2=80=94 but many still don=E2=80=99t believe they=E2=80=99re=20

Institutional investors have bought hundreds of thousands of homes, man=
y in Black communities. Critics say it=E2=80=99s creating a =E2=80=98genera=
tion of renters=E2=80=99
How stupid is Troll Doe?

Troll Doe posting one of its vacuous insults at 05:39:20 UTC on 20 Mar
2022 with a grammatical error:

Then, at 05:55:56 UTC, 16 minutes and 36 seconds later, Troll Doe
responds to its own post with a correction, but stupidly forgets that it
sets a Followup-To: header to the \"\", resulting in its
correction article posting only to \"\":

Troll Doe, mister \"always.look@message.header\", is so stupid it does not
even remember it sets a Followup-To: header in its own vacuous insults.

Special thanks to corvid <bl@ckb.ird> for pointing out the stupidity of
Troll Doe:

The Troll Doe stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And yet, the clueless Troll Doe has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Wed, 6 Jul 2022 10:35:48 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that John Dope does not even follow
the rules it uses to troll other posters.

I\'ll take the opinion of world renowned diplomats like Henry Kissinger and
others over some Australian troll, any day...

David Eather <> wrote:

John Doe wrote:

Might be a false alarm, but... There might be some serious trouble
brewing to do with Lithuania and Russia (and of course Western NATO

Seems NATO is upset Russia is pulverizing haughty Ukraine, so it\'s
poking the bear harder. Hopefully it doesn\'t lead to a major

Putler was NEVER promised that the EU and NATO wouldn\'t expand by the
then president of the USA...
David Eather <> wrote:

> Did forget to say your bikes are interesting.

Oddly, Australia seems to be, or used to be, the only force behind drift
trikes. Unfortunately, also seems it was a fad.

You can stick the drill on the bottom bracket, but only if... You can find
someplace to put your feet. Also, you need at least 1-1 gearing, meaning
you need the same number of teeth for your bottom bracket sprocket as the
rear wheel freewheel hub. And you have the extra weight of the chain.

An essential component of a drill powered bike is the externally driven
freewheel hub. Except for what seems to be a dried-up source from drift
trikes, good luck finding any.

If you can build things, you can modify the fork to hold the freewheel hub
bearings, but you still need the freewheel hub.
John Dope <always.look@message.header> wrote in

John Dope, the childish sed invader, unable to back or debate the
stupid shit he posts.

There has never been any aggression, you pathetic putz

Seems NATO is upset Russia is pulverizing haughty Ukraine, so
it\'s poking the bear harder. Hopefully it doesn\'t lead to a
major escalation.

If it does, Putin, the Kremlin and Russia as a whole will
greatly. Because we too will then escalate, and he will not like
that result.

We have bunker busters. They are bad ass. We have planes that
penetrate to any point on the planet and deliver a payload onto a
target anywhere on the planet with guaranteed success.

No matter if Putin quit tommorrow or keeps his stupid shit up,
is going to end badly for Russia and Putin and the Kremlin. But
if the idiot tries to make it worse as if \"he is not to be messed
with\", he will indeed get messed with and it will be his end.
corvid <bl@ckb.ird> wrote in news:t91375$13i5$

On 6/22/22 23:36, John Dope wrote:
The reactionary foulmouthed group idiot, a.k.a. Always Wrong, has
been insulting and threatening people here for a decade...

Not just here, but more groups too!

Never threatened anyone in my life. Never insulted \"people\". The
ASSHOLES I insult do not qualify as people.
John Dope <always.look@message.header> wrote in

I\'ll take the opinion of world renowned diplomats like Henry
Kissinger and others over some Australian troll, any day...

David Eather <> wrote:

John Dope wrote:

Might be a false alarm, but... There might be some serious
trouble brewing to do with Lithuania and Russia (and of course
Western NATO aggression).

Seems NATO is upset Russia is pulverizing haughty Ukraine, so
it\'s poking the bear harder. Hopefully it doesn\'t lead to a
major escalation.

Sure, DopeShit. Except Kissinger never said ANY of the shit you
spewed. Nice try though, retarded putz.
This reactionary foulmouthed group idiot, a.k.a. Always Wrong,
has been insulting and threatening others in this group for a decade...

-- wrote:

Subject: Re: It\'s Putin\'s fault!
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2022 23:48:49 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: NNTP Server
Message-ID: <t92u51$1ee1$
References: <> <t90ktl$ob7$> <t90m7q$16f3$> <t911m1$jfv$
Injection-Info:; logging-data=\"47553\"; posting-host=\"5U2ooNuM5UP0Ynf/\"; mail-complaints-to=\"\";
User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25
X-Notice: Filtered by postfilter v. 0.9.2

John Dope <always.look@message.header> wrote in

John Dope, the childish sed invader, unable to back or debate the
stupid shit he posts.

There has never been any aggression, you pathetic putz

Seems NATO is upset Russia is pulverizing haughty Ukraine, so
it\'s poking the bear harder. Hopefully it doesn\'t lead to a
major escalation.

If it does, Putin, the Kremlin and Russia as a whole will
greatly. Because we too will then escalate, and he will not like
that result.

We have bunker busters. They are bad ass. We have planes that
penetrate to any point on the planet and deliver a payload onto a
target anywhere on the planet with guaranteed success.

No matter if Putin quit tommorrow or keeps his stupid shit up,
is going to end badly for Russia and Putin and the Kremlin. But
if the idiot tries to make it worse as if \"he is not to be messed
with\", he will indeed get messed with and it will be his end.
In message-id <t6nt3e$7bp$>
( posted Thu, 26 May 2022
12:50:54 -0000 (UTC) Troll Doe stated:

Always Wrong, the utterly foulmouthed group idiot, adding absolutely
NOTHING but insults to this thread, as usual...

Yet, since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) Troll Doe\'s post ratio
to USENET (**) has been 64.7% of its posts contributing \"nothing except
insults\" to USENET.

** Since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) Troll Doe has posted at
least 2258 articles to USENET. Of which 176 have been pure insults and
1284 have been Troll Doe \"troll format\" postings.

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Fri, 24 Jun 2022 00:10:31 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <t92vdn$igk$>.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that John Doe does not even follow
the rules it uses to troll other posters.

On 24/06/2022 9:40 am, John Doe wrote:
I\'ll take the opinion of world renowned diplomats like Henry Kissinger and
others over some Australian troll, any day...

David Eather <> wrote:

John Doe wrote:

Might be a false alarm, but... There might be some serious trouble
brewing to do with Lithuania and Russia (and of course Western NATO

Seems NATO is upset Russia is pulverizing haughty Ukraine, so it\'s
poking the bear harder. Hopefully it doesn\'t lead to a major

Putler was NEVER promised that the EU and NATO wouldn\'t expand by the
then president of the USA...

That Putler invaded 5 other countries? - That is a matter of fact. That
he admitted to planing it? He said so on NTV (Russian official news)
when he came to take credit for it. His words for the question did
Russia plan these invasions \"Of course we did\"

Lithuania is a member of the EU and is just enforcing EU sanctions.
Putin doesn\'t even try to claim otherwise.

And Lithuania is not trying to hold Konigsberg hostage by withholding
food - like another country that could be named.

What will happen in Lithuania? Speculation yes. But even Jon Doe i.e YOU
wrote just yesterday

\"There might be some serious trouble
brewing to do with Lithuania and Russia (and of course Western NATO

Seems NATO is upset Russia is pulverizing haughty Ukraine, so it\'s
poking the bear harder. Hopefully it doesn\'t lead to a major

Lets talk about trolls - YOU claim there could be a dangerous
escalation, then a day later when that fact it is inconvenient - its
just someone else\'s unfounded speculation.

Great job you stupid troll.
Flu Season? Fatality comparison to past events in the U.S.A.
Updated July01 to include a third year trend or \'season\'.

On Friday, June 24, 2022 at 1:40:52 AM UTC+2, John Doe wrote:
David Eather <> wrote:
John Doe wrote:

Might be a false alarm, but... There might be some serious trouble
brewing to do with Lithuania and Russia (and of course Western NATO

Seems NATO is upset Russia is pulverizing haughty Ukraine, so it\'s
poking the bear harder. Hopefully it doesn\'t lead to a major

As pulverisation goes, Russia isn\'t doing anything like as well as it expected to. As the west feeds in more weapons, Russia can expect to do even less well.

Putler was NEVER promised that the EU and NATO wouldn\'t expand by the
then president of the USA...

I\'ll take the opinion of world renowned diplomats like Henry Kissinger and
others over some Australian troll, any day...

Not that you actually understand what Henry Kissinger actually said, let alone what it actually meant when he said it, which was quite a while ago, back when Putin still looked like a politician, rather than an embedded dictator-for-life.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On 24/06/2022 9:54 pm, Anthony William Sloman wrote:
On Friday, June 24, 2022 at 1:40:52 AM UTC+2, John Doe wrote:
David Eather <> wrote:
John Doe wrote:

Might be a false alarm, but... There might be some serious trouble
brewing to do with Lithuania and Russia (and of course Western NATO

Seems NATO is upset Russia is pulverizing haughty Ukraine, so it\'s
poking the bear harder. Hopefully it doesn\'t lead to a major

As pulverisation goes, Russia isn\'t doing anything like as well as it expected to. As the west feeds in more weapons, Russia can expect to do even less well.

The bit I think is amazing is that most western countries sent their
\"second best\" weapons* and the Ukrainians still did so well. Now the
Ukrainians are going to increasingly get the best.

*Milan systems that weren\'t dual warhead and/or that had been replaced
by other systems. Early versions of NLAW etc

Putler was NEVER promised that the EU and NATO wouldn\'t expand by the
then president of the USA...

I\'ll take the opinion of world renowned diplomats like Henry Kissinger and
others over some Australian troll, any day...

Not that you actually understand what Henry Kissinger actually said, let alone what it actually meant when he said it, which was quite a while ago, back when Putin still looked like a politician, rather than an embedded dictator-for-life.
On Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 6:35:52 PM UTC-4, a a wrote:
Latest News
All Times Eastern

Inflation seen restraining Biden, other G7 leaders as they consider more Russia sanctions at summit
Barron\'s Morgan Stanley Cut Its Tesla Price Target. It\'s a WACC Problem.

\"And his target price only dropped $100, moving from $1,300 to $1,200. \"

It\'s presently trading around $700, so still lots of money to be made, no?


Rick C.

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Might be a false alarm, but... There might be some serious trouble brewing to
do with Lithuania and Russia (and of course Western NATO aggression).

Seems NATO is upset Russia is pulverizing haughty Ukraine, so it\'s poking the
bear harder. Hopefully it doesn\'t lead to a major escalation.
John Dope <always.look@message.header> wrote in

Might be a false alarm, but... There might be some serious trouble
brewing to do with Lithuania and Russia (and of course Western
NATO aggression).
There has never been any aggression, you pathetic putz

Seems NATO is upset Russia is pulverizing haughty Ukraine, so it\'s
poking the bear harder. Hopefully it doesn\'t lead to a major

If it does, Putin, the Kremlin and Russia as a whole will suffer
greatly. Because we too will then escalate, and he will not like
that result.

We have bunker busters. They are bad ass. We have planes that can
penetrate to any point on the planet and deliver a payload onto a
target anywhere on the planet with guaranteed success.

No matter if Putin quit tommorrow or keeps his stupid shit up, this
is going to end badly for Russia and Putin and the Kremlin. But if
the idiot tries to make it worse as if \"he is not to be messed with\",
he will indeed get messed with and it will be his end.
Latest News
All Times Eastern

Judge throws out Trump-era rollbacks to endangered-species protections
Institutional investors have bought hundreds of thousands of homes, many in Black communities. Critics say it’s creating a ‘generation of renters’
Most essential workers have seen their pay increase during the pandemic — but many still don’t believe they’re

Institutional investors have bought hundreds of thousands of homes, many in Black communities. Critics say it’s creating a ‘generation of renters’
On Wednesday, 6 July 2022 at 00:50:11 UTC+2, a a wrote:
Latest News
All Times Eastern

Judge throws out Trump-era rollbacks to endangered-species protections
Institutional investors have bought hundreds of thousands of homes, many in Black communities. Critics say it’s creating a ‘generation of renters’
Most essential workers have seen their pay increase during the pandemic — but many still don’t believe they’re

Institutional investors have bought hundreds of thousands of homes, many in Black communities. Critics say it’s creating a ‘generation of renters’

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