ISO camera part: tiny compression spring



I am looking for a replacement part for a Nizo 6056
super 8 camera. The missing part is a metal compression
spring, aprox. 4 mm long. Does anyone know a source
for this kind of thing (obviously I can't get the part from
the manufacturer)? A place that sells springs of this size
in small quantities? Thanks.

I would call a place that repairs cameras to see if they have one that
would fit or could order you one

"I am looking for a replacement part for a Nizo 6056 super 8 camera. The
missing part is a metal compression spring, aprox. 4 mm long. Does
anyone know a source for this kind of thing (obviously I can't get the
part from the manufacturer)? A place that sells springs of this size in
small quantities? Thanks.
-Jim (MarkC) wrote in message news:<>...
I would call a place that repairs cameras to see if they have one that
would fit or could order you one
Out of disposable cameras maybe? :)



"I am looking for a replacement part for a Nizo 6056 super 8 camera. The
missing part is a metal compression spring, aprox. 4 mm long. Does
anyone know a source for this kind of thing (obviously I can't get the
part from the manufacturer)? A place that sells springs of this size in
small quantities? Thanks.
I would call a place that repairs cameras to see if they have one that
would fit or could order you one

"I am looking for a replacement part for a Nizo 6056 super 8 camera. The
missing part is a metal compression spring, aprox. 4 mm long. Does
anyone know a source for this kind of thing (obviously I can't get the
part from the manufacturer)? A place that sells springs of this size in
small quantities? Thanks.
Befriend a musician and snag an old, broken guitar string of appropriate
diameter. Wind the wire around a screw about 1/2 the finished diameter of the
spring you need. 'Long as it fits..........
On 25 Apr 2004 18:04:55 -0700, (Jim) wrote:

I am looking for a replacement part for a Nizo 6056
super 8 camera. The missing part is a metal compression
spring, aprox. 4 mm long. Does anyone know a source
for this kind of thing (obviously I can't get the part from
the manufacturer)? A place that sells springs of this size
in small quantities? Thanks.

Is the spring in question the shutter button spring?
If so it shouldn't be to hard to find a replacement.
You can try a good hardware store, they'll have a variety of
compression springs in their "kit box".
Failing that try a camera repair store.
If you have the original spring(even if it's in pieces) you can
usually make a physical match using it.(or the mating parts that use
the spring.)
If it's the shutter button release spring you might get one out of an
old junk 35mm camera. Ditto for the pressure plate spring as well.

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