David Lamb
I have a vhdl project and I used a UCF file to assign the package pin to
each port in the design. This works fine. However, if I change my vhdl code
(let's say I remove an output port), I always get the following error when I
try to run the UCF editor:
ERROR:NgdBuild:756 - Line 3 in 'constraints.ucf': Could not find net(s)
'outputA' in the design. To suppress this error specify the correct net
name or remove the constraint.
It seems like the UCF doesn't update itself with the new design. I tried
everything and I always have to start with a new UCF each time. The removed
port doesn't exist in the Edit constraints (TEXT) because I didn't add any
constraint to it. I really don't see how to do it.
I have a vhdl project and I used a UCF file to assign the package pin to
each port in the design. This works fine. However, if I change my vhdl code
(let's say I remove an output port), I always get the following error when I
try to run the UCF editor:
ERROR:NgdBuild:756 - Line 3 in 'constraints.ucf': Could not find net(s)
'outputA' in the design. To suppress this error specify the correct net
name or remove the constraint.
It seems like the UCF doesn't update itself with the new design. I tried
everything and I always have to start with a new UCF each time. The removed
port doesn't exist in the Edit constraints (TEXT) because I didn't add any
constraint to it. I really don't see how to do it.