Is this a hate crime? Under police protection, the leader of the far-right Danish political party Stram Kurs, Rasmus Paludan, burned a #Qur...


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Is this a hate crime?

Under police protection, the leader of the far-right Danish political party Stram Kurs, Rasmus Paludan, burned a #Quran outside the #Turkish embassy in Stockholm, Sweden, Saturday, Jan. 21, 2023.
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 7:08:21 PM UTC-5, a a wrote:
> Is this a hate crime?

I would think so. In Chapter 16 Section 8 of The Swedish Criminal Code they state:

Section 8
A person who, in a statement
or other communication that is
disseminated, threatens or
expresses contempt for a
population group by allusion to
race, colour, national or ethnic
origin, religious belief, sexual
orientation or transgender
identity or expression is guilty of
agitation against a population
group and is sentenced to
imprisonment for at most two
years or, if the offence is minor,
to a fine.
If the offence is gross, the
person is guilty of gross agitation
against a population group and is
sentenced to imprisonment for
at least six months and at most
four years. When assessing
whether the offence is gross,
particular consideration is given
to whether the communication
had particularly threatening or
offensive content and was
disseminated to a large number
of people in a way that was liable
to attract considerable attention.
Act 2018:1744.

-or in the original text-
8 §
Den som i uttalande eller i
annat meddelande som sprids
hotar eller uttrycker missaktning
för folkgrupp eller annan sådan
grupp av personer med anspelning på ras, hudfärg, nationellt
eller etniskt ursprung, trosbekännelse, sexuell läggning eller
könsöverskridande identitet
eller uttryck, döms för hets mot
folkgrupp till fängelse i högst två
år eller om brottet är ringa, till
Om brottet är grovt döms för
grov hets mot folkgrupp till
fängelse i lägst sex månader och
högst fyra år. Vid bedömningen
av om brottet är grovt ska det
särskilt beaktas om meddelandet
haft ett särskilt hotfullt eller
kränkande innehåll och spritts
till ett stort antal personer på ett
sätt som varit ägnat att väcka
betydande uppmärksamhet. Lag

They should be able to sue the government to prosecute, I\'m not going to look that up.

Under police protection, the leader of the far-right Danish political party Stram Kurs, Rasmus Paludan, burned a #Quran outside the #Turkish embassy in Stockholm, Sweden, Saturday, Jan. 21, 2023.

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