Is there anyway to generate schematics using OCEAN netlists?

Hello, what I have are some netlists used in OCEAN. But now I need to draw the layout of the netlists in Virtuoso, so I have to make the schematics first. Capturing schematics totally by hand is a pain...So I'm wondering if there's anyway to generate schematics in Virtuoso using netlists of OCEAN?

I appreciate your help. Thanks a lot~
On 04/30/13 19:53, wrote:
Hello, what I have are some netlists used in OCEAN. But now I need
draw the layout of the netlists in Virtuoso, so I have to make the
schematics first. Capturing schematics totally by hand is a pain...So
I'm wondering if there's anyway to generate schematics in Virtuoso using
netlists of OCEAN?
I appreciate your help. Thanks a lot~
This doesn't make a great deal of sense, because "netlists of OCEAN"
doesn't mean anything. However, if you have spectre netlists or SPICE
netlists, and are using IC61 (e.g. IC615) you can use
File->Import->SPICE to create schematics from them. Maybe that is what
you want?



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