Is there any easy way or SKILL program to put VIA arrays cor

the MPP ( Multipul path ) will not create the sub-rectangle (
generally as contacts
and vias) when the path is a diagonal one. thus it will bring much
trouble to re-draw
those contacts specially when the path is quite wide . Also, it will
not work by the
'Create Contact' with 'Auto Contact' . so, is there any way can easily
puts as many
as possible contacts/vias in a diagonal path ???
I am not sure what you want here.

Contacts are often defined in newer techs as being required to be
square and orthogonal to the x and y axis.

This is besides the fact that contacts are ( at the limits of
resolution ) actually formed as circles.

The design rules and process design are often focused on creating
optimal manhattan structures and often are
a little weak on 45 degree design issues. ( Bleeding edge high speed
analog structures do not always have these

MPP's do not work well with diagonals.(contact structures especially )

What are you attempting to do? ( i.e. could you draw it manually with
polygons )
This is tricky to do. How close do you want the contacts ? root2 more
than orthogonal?

I have found that when you need to do 45 degree stuff, it is better to
write raw skill to do exactly what you want.

-- Gerry

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