I often have to use an NPN transistor (emitter on ground) to turn on a PNP transistor (emitter on +B) to efficiently switch positive voltage. Is there a device that can replace the two transistors and two resistors required to switch the +B supply?
The required collector current would be less than 500ma and the Vce would be less than 50v.
Ideally, it would be a 4 legged device that would be in a case similar in size to a TO-92 device.
I know that an opto-isolator could do it but they're too expensive in most cases.
Thanks in advance
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The required collector current would be less than 500ma and the Vce would be less than 50v.
Ideally, it would be a 4 legged device that would be in a case similar in size to a TO-92 device.
I know that an opto-isolator could do it but they're too expensive in most cases.
Thanks in advance
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