Phil Allison
there are so many assholes on this NG at present - and so few regular humans - that there MUST be an attractor here.
Like how flies are attracted to a fresh turd, NGs can emit an irresistible beacon that says "Trolls and Bullshitters Welcome ".
Newsgroups normally tend to adopt the same mindset as their most prolific poster or posters - who set both the tone and content THEY want to discuss.
One cannot escape the conclusion that JL has taken on that position here.
He has any number of mostly anonymous assholes ready to pile on to any fight he starts or against anyone who complains about him.
Sycophants ( nice word for cock suckers ) like "John S" and "Rick C" for example. Even the famous Win is one of them.
Who here seriously doubts this is true ?
Might it stop if exposed often and for long enough ?
I wonder.....
..... Phil
there are so many assholes on this NG at present - and so few regular humans - that there MUST be an attractor here.
Like how flies are attracted to a fresh turd, NGs can emit an irresistible beacon that says "Trolls and Bullshitters Welcome ".
Newsgroups normally tend to adopt the same mindset as their most prolific poster or posters - who set both the tone and content THEY want to discuss.
One cannot escape the conclusion that JL has taken on that position here.
He has any number of mostly anonymous assholes ready to pile on to any fight he starts or against anyone who complains about him.
Sycophants ( nice word for cock suckers ) like "John S" and "Rick C" for example. Even the famous Win is one of them.
Who here seriously doubts this is true ?
Might it stop if exposed often and for long enough ?
I wonder.....
..... Phil