I have a design, which is supposed to work in XC2V2000-5 at 50 MHz. The
timing analyzer reports the clock period to be below 19ns. However, in
practice, only one device out of 3 works at this speed. Two others were
happy when I slowed the clock to 45 MHz (I didn't try any intermediate
frequencies). The design basically consists of a 3rd party IP core, for
which I don't have a source (I believe it was designed in schematic), some
state machines, a bus interface and some Coregen memories. The bus runs at
slower clock, but it is fully decoupled from the IP core (through the
memories). The IP core is a fully synchronous design according to its
author. The clock comes directly from an external crystal oscillator. I
tried looking at unconstrained paths in the timing analyzer, but couldn't
see anything suspicious...
Any ideas to where to look?
To reply directly:
matusov at square peg ca
(join the domain name in one word and add a dot before "ca")
timing analyzer reports the clock period to be below 19ns. However, in
practice, only one device out of 3 works at this speed. Two others were
happy when I slowed the clock to 45 MHz (I didn't try any intermediate
frequencies). The design basically consists of a 3rd party IP core, for
which I don't have a source (I believe it was designed in schematic), some
state machines, a bus interface and some Coregen memories. The bus runs at
slower clock, but it is fully decoupled from the IP core (through the
memories). The IP core is a fully synchronous design according to its
author. The clock comes directly from an external crystal oscillator. I
tried looking at unconstrained paths in the timing analyzer, but couldn't
see anything suspicious...
Any ideas to where to look?
To reply directly:
matusov at square peg ca
(join the domain name in one word and add a dot before "ca")