Danny D.
Is Geogebra freeware free on all platforms *except* Android?
Something fishy happened when I tried to download the supposedly
free Geogebra math graphing app today, on Android, that didn't
happen on iOS nor on Linux:
On my old iPad, Geogebra from the App Store installed just fine.
On a new hteacher's new MacBook Air, Geogebra installed just fine.
On Linux, it installed just fine (sudo apt-get install geogebra).
Yet, on Android, a search in the Google Play store doesn't
even *find* it (when we know it's a free app for all platforms):
When I go to the geogebra.org web site from Firefox on Android,
the download page has a "Google Play" button and a Goegebra
*Chrome* app! (what's the difference?)
Clicking the "Google Play" button on that web page, I can
press a green "Install" (which implies it's a free app):
But then, I get this odd screen which says, for the first
time ever for me, "In order to purchase GeoGebra, you must
sign in. Please sign in to continue" :
(which I never had seen before, at least on Android):
Note: I've had the Android phone for years, and I don't even
know what the sign-in password is anymore, simply because it
has never been needed before. Why would I need it now?
So, I try again with a *different* browser, this time the
classic blue default browser idiotically titled "Internet":
Searching for the geogebra web site, I see two hits, one
being "www.geogebra.org", where we can download it directly
from a web site (which I don't want to do):
Another links is something called the "GeoGebra - Chrome Web Store"
(whatever that is):
But, I prefer to use Google Play, so, I press the third link
which is a "Free" button:
This (finally) brings me to the Google Play store with GeoGebra
Dynamic Mathematics for Everyone prominently listed (as it should be),
but, in small text, it says:
Your device isn't compatible with this version.
The device is a basic Samsung Galaxy SIII, Android 4.3.
However, the same thing happened with the new teacher's Moto G.
What is going on with GeoGebra on these platforms?
Can you shed light on these inconsistencies?
Is Geogebra freeware free on all platforms *except* Android?
Something fishy happened when I tried to download the supposedly
free Geogebra math graphing app today, on Android, that didn't
happen on iOS nor on Linux:
On my old iPad, Geogebra from the App Store installed just fine.
On a new hteacher's new MacBook Air, Geogebra installed just fine.
On Linux, it installed just fine (sudo apt-get install geogebra).
Yet, on Android, a search in the Google Play store doesn't
even *find* it (when we know it's a free app for all platforms):
When I go to the geogebra.org web site from Firefox on Android,
the download page has a "Google Play" button and a Goegebra
*Chrome* app! (what's the difference?)
Clicking the "Google Play" button on that web page, I can
press a green "Install" (which implies it's a free app):
But then, I get this odd screen which says, for the first
time ever for me, "In order to purchase GeoGebra, you must
sign in. Please sign in to continue" :
(which I never had seen before, at least on Android):
Note: I've had the Android phone for years, and I don't even
know what the sign-in password is anymore, simply because it
has never been needed before. Why would I need it now?
So, I try again with a *different* browser, this time the
classic blue default browser idiotically titled "Internet":
Searching for the geogebra web site, I see two hits, one
being "www.geogebra.org", where we can download it directly
from a web site (which I don't want to do):
Another links is something called the "GeoGebra - Chrome Web Store"
(whatever that is):
But, I prefer to use Google Play, so, I press the third link
which is a "Free" button:
This (finally) brings me to the Google Play store with GeoGebra
Dynamic Mathematics for Everyone prominently listed (as it should be),
but, in small text, it says:
Your device isn't compatible with this version.
The device is a basic Samsung Galaxy SIII, Android 4.3.
However, the same thing happened with the new teacher's Moto G.
What is going on with GeoGebra on these platforms?
Can you shed light on these inconsistencies?
Is Geogebra freeware free on all platforms *except* Android?