Clark Pope
I am able to program and scan Altera devices on my scan chain but when I go
to load the Virtex2 I get an IR_Capture failure because the LSB on the
Virtex is not being set. I am using a serial prom on that chip so I'm
worried that it is trying to load at power up and messing up the JTAG in the
chip. Anyone ever seen a problem like this?
to load the Virtex2 I get an IR_Capture failure because the LSB on the
Virtex is not being set. I am using a serial prom on that chip so I'm
worried that it is trying to load at power up and messing up the JTAG in the
chip. Anyone ever seen a problem like this?
INFO:iMPACT:1206 - Instruction Capture =
INFO:iMPACT:1207 - Expected Capture =
I generated the third line by reading the .bsdl
files for what the INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE value should be. So everything
matches except that the XC2V2000 is not setting the LSB to one. It must be
kept in reset or something...
attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of XC2V2000_FG676 :
entity is
-- Bit 5 is 1 when DONE is released (part of startup
-- Bit 4 is 1 if house-cleaning is complete
-- Bit 3 is ISC_Enabled
-- Bit 2 is ISC_Done