I noted my TV was buffering a lot and then when on my computer, pages
were loading very slow, so I did a speed test.
 Ookla was 1.41 MBPS I emailed a friend with the same IP, he said no
problems seen, but Ookla was also slow. But for him Fast.com and WOW,
both reported 100MBPS
For me Ookla was 1.41 MBPS, Fast .com was 46MBPS, and WOW was 100.1MBPS.
 Why the difference?
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
were loading very slow, so I did a speed test.
 Ookla was 1.41 MBPS I emailed a friend with the same IP, he said no
problems seen, but Ookla was also slow. But for him Fast.com and WOW,
both reported 100MBPS
For me Ookla was 1.41 MBPS, Fast .com was 46MBPS, and WOW was 100.1MBPS.
 Why the difference?
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.