International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC05)


George Bebis

International Symposium on Visual Computing


Lake Tahoe, Nevada
December 5-7 2005

Call for Papers

Over the last two decades, considerable progress has been achieved in the
broader area of visual computing, mainly as a result of the exponential
growth of processor speed and memory capacity as well as the rapid explosion
of multimedia and the extensive use of video and image-based communications
over the World Wide Web (WWW). Real time access and sharing of digital
information including text and sound but also powerful realistic or simulated
visuals are now within our capacity, enabling truly interactive
multiparticipant, multimodal and multimedia communication.

The purpose of the International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC) is
to provide a common forum for researchers, scientists, engineers and
practitioners throughout the world to present their latest research findings,
ideas, developments and applications in the broader area of visual computing.
The symposium will consist of invited and contributed presentations dealing
with all aspects of visual computing. In addition to the nain technical
program, the symposium will include several keynote speakers, posters
sessions, and special tracks. Proposals for special tracks are currently
solicited and should be submitted to the program committee chair.
All papers accepted will be published in the symposium proceedings while
a selection of best papers will be published in a special issue of an
archival journal.


ISCV seeks papers describing contributions to the state of the art and state
of the practice in the field of visual computing.. The symposium will be
structured around four central areas of visual computing: (1) computer vision,
(2) computer graphics, (3) virtual reality, and (4) visualization. In
particular, we are interested in papers that combine technologies from two or
more of these areas.

****Area 1: Computer Vision****

Computer vision, the study of enabling computers to understand and interpret
visual information from static images and video sequences, is expanding rapidly
throughout the world. During the past ten years, computer vision has grown from
a research area to a widely accepted technology, capable of providing dramatic
increase in productivity and improving living standard. We are seeking papers
covering both the theory and applications of computer vision. Topics of interest
include all aspects of computer vision including, but not limited, to the
following areas:

- Color and texture
- Segmentation and grouping
- Motion and tracking
- Image-Based Modelling
- 3D reconstruction
- Shape representation and recognition
- Video analysis and event recognition
- Face/gesture analysis and recognition
- Human-computer interfaces
- Medical image analysis
- Image and video retrieval
- Sensors and Systems
- Secure Image/Video Communication
- Image/Video Encoding/Compression
- Applications

****Area 2: Computer Graphics****

Advances and breakthroughs in computer graphics have made visual media the
basis of the modern user interface. It is clear that graphics will play a
dominant role in the way people communicate and interact with computers in
the future. ISVC seeks original research and applied papers in all areas of
computer graphics. Topics of interest include all aspects of virtual reality
including, but not limited, to the following areas:

- Geometric Modelling
- Geometric Algorithms
- Graphics Algorithms
- Web Based Graphics
- Computer Animation
- Special Effects
- Rendering Techniques
- Global Illumination
- Volume Graphics
- Graphics Architectures
- Systems and Hardware
- Applications

****Area 3: Virtual Reality****

Virtual reality (VR) enables users to experience a three-dimensional
environment generated using computer graphics, and perhaps other sensory
modalities, to provide an environment for enhanced interaction between a human
user and a computer-created world. ISVC seeks original research and applied
papers in all areas of virtual reality, as well as augmented reality, mixed
reality and 3D HCI. Topics of interest include all aspects of virtual reality
including, but not limited, to the following areas:

- Augmented Reality
- Mixed Reality
- Artificial Reality
- Modeling and Simulation
- Real-Time Rendering
- Collision detection in VR
- Virtual Humans and Artificial Life
- Virtual Environments
- Tele-collaboration
- VR System Architecture
- Multimodal displays
- Projection and Display Systems
- Human Computer Interaction
- Integration of VR and Multimedia
- Haptics
- Human Factors
- Hardware Devices
- Applications

****Area 4: Visualization****

The field of visualization seeks to determine and present underlying correlated
structures and relationships in both scientific (computational and medical
sciences) and more abstract datasets. The prime objective of the presentation
should be to communicate the information in a dataset so as to enhance
understanding. Topics of interest include all aspects of visualization
including, but not limited, to the following areas:

- Information Visualization
- Large Scale Data Set Visualization
- Medical Data Visualization
- Volume Visuzalization
- Vector and Tensor Visualization
- Flow Visualization
- Airspace/Terain and Sea-bed Visualization
- Isosurfaces
- Rendering Techniques
- Visualization Systems
- Mesh Techniques and Compression
- Human Factors
- Human Perception
- Applications

Important Dates

Special track proposals: 03/07/2005
Paper submissions 06/13/2005
Notification of acceptance 08/01/2005
Final camera ready paper 08/29/2005
Advance Registration 08/29/2005
ISVC05 Symposium 12/05-07/2005

Submission Procedure

Papers submitted to ISVC 2005 must not have been previously published and
must not be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Manuscripts should not exceed 8 single-spaced, two-column pages, including
figures and tables. The font size should be at least 10 point. All paper
submissions will be handled electronically through our online web
submission system. The submission of your paper must be in PDF file format.
If for some reason you cannot submit your paper through our web-based
submission system, you can email your submission to the Symposium Chair.

Papers will be reviewed with an emphasis on potential to contribute to the
state of the art in the field. Each paper will receive at least two blind
reviews and should not contain names or other information revealing authors'
identity. Selection criteria include accuracy and originality of ideas,
clarity and significance of results, and presentation quality. In submitting
a paper the author(s) agree that, upon acceptance, they will prepare the
final manuscript in time for inclusion into the published proceedings and
will present the paper at the symposium. The final manuscript will not be
published without advance registration.

Paper Publication

This is a fully refereed symposium. All the papers accepted to the symposium
will be published in the symposium proceedings. A selection of best papers
will be published in a special issue of an archival journal.

Special Tracks

Proposals are invited for special tracks on any topic relevant to the
symposium. The special tracks are intended to stimulate in-depth discussions
in special areas relevant to the symposium theme. The track organizers will
coordinate the review process for their session papers. The symposium
proceedings will include all papers from the special sessions. Authors
contributing to special sessions are required to register for the symposium.
If you are interested in organizing an special track please, follow the
procedure outlined below:

1. Submit a proposal to the symposium general chair by March 7, 2005.
A special track proposal should contain a title, a description of the
scope, and an initial special track committee.

2. Editorial comments will be made by the symposium general chair by
March 14, 2005.

3. Upon approval, recruit authors for the track and review papers for
appropriate topic/contents.

4. Session chair(s) submit accepted track papers to the symposium general
chair by August 1, 2005


General Symposium Chair:
George Bebis, University of Nevada, Reno, USA

(Area 1) Computer Vision Chairs:
George Bebis, University of Nevada, Reno, USA
Bahram Parvin, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

(Area 2) Computer Graphics Chairs:
Ramesh Raskar, MERL
Lijun Yin, Binghamton University, USA

(Area 3) Virtual Reality Chairs:
Reinhold Behringer, Rockwell Scientific, USA
Richard Boyle, NASA Ames Research Center, USA

(Area 4) Visualization Chairs:
Paolo Cignoni, ISTI - CNR, Italy
Darko Koracin, Desert Research Institute, USA

Publicity/Website Chair:
Ali Erol, University of Nevada, Reno, USA

Local Arrangements Chair:
Kostas Veropoulos, University of Nevada, Reno, USA

Publications Chair:
Juxian Wang, University of Nevada, Reno, USA

International Program Committee:

Aggarwal, J. K., University of Texas, Austin
Allmen, Mark, Perceptek
Argyros, Antonis, ICS-FORTH
Belyaev, Alexander, Max-Planck-Institute
Bieri, Hanspeter, University of Bern
Billinghurst, Mark, University of Canterbury
Bourbakis, Nikolaos, ITRI Wrght State University
Brajovic, Vladimir, CMU
Coquillart, Sabine, INRIA
Davis, James, Ohio State University
de Oliveira, Manuel, Univ. Fed. do Rio Grande do Sul
Foresti, GianLuca, University of Udine
Georgescu, Bogdan, Siemens
Gong, Shaogang, University of London
Hamidzadeh, Babak, The Library of Congress
Hammoud, Riad, Delphi Corp.
Haritaoglu, Ismail, IBM Almaden
He, Xiangjian, University of Technology
Heyden, Anders, Malmo University
Jorge, Joaquim, University of Lisbon
Kamath, Chandrika, LLNL
Khwang, Teoh Eam, Nanyang Tech. U.
Klette, Reinhard, Auckland University
Kollias, Stefanos, Nat. Tech. Univ. of Athens
Maeder, Anthony, CSIRO ICT Centre
Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia, University of Geneva
Maltoni, Davide, University of Bologna
Medasani, Swarup, HRL
Meenakshisundaram, Gopi, UC-Irvine
Nefian, Ara, Intel
Nicolescu, Mircea, University of Nevada, Reno
Palanque, Philippe, University of Paul Sabatier
Paragios, Nikos, Ecole Nat. des Ponts et Chaussees
Pavlidis, Ioannis, University of Houston
Pollefeys, Marc, University of North Carolina
Prabhakar, Salil, DigitalPersona
Regazzoni, Carlo, University of Genoa
Remagnino, Paolo, Kingston University London
Roerdink, Jos, University of Groningen
Selinger, Andrea, Equinox Corp.
Skourikhine, Alexei, Los Alamos National Lab
Sommerer, Christa, ATR
Sourin, Alexei, Nanyang Tech. U.
Strintzis, Michael, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Sutherland, Karen, Augsburg College
Tan, Tieniu, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Tobin, Kenneth, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Toussaint, Godfried, McGill University
Trivedi, Mohan, UC-San Diego
Trucco, Emanuele, Heriot-Watt University
Turk, Matthew, UC-Santa Barbara
Twombly, Xander, NASA Ames Research Center
Verri, Alessandro, University of Genova
Wang, Yunhong, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Wong, Kenneth, University of Hong Kong

ABOUT THE LOCATION -- Lake Tahoe, Nevada

ISVC05 will take place in the beatiful Lake Tahoe which provides easy access
from either Reno/Lake Tahoe International Airport (about 45min driving time)
or from Sacramento International Airport (about 90min driving time). A shuttle
service is available to and from Reno/Lake Tahoe International Airport.
Lake Tahoe is often referred to as the perfect year round vacation destination
with terrific weather and breathtaking scenery. Split down the middle by the
California and Nevada border, Lake Tahoe area boasts of over 300 days of warm
sunshine, world-class skiing and snowboarding, casinos and of course, the
famous blue Lake Tahoe itself. The close-by metropolitan area of Reno offers
endless opportunities for arts and culture, gaming, shopping, bowling, parks,
citywide events, festivals, and history museums.

Welcome to

