My design is taking 16 clock cycles to generate the output for one data
.. So I
have wait to for 16 clock cycles to give another input.
Can any one suggest what I should do that my output comes when input
stream is given in each clock cycle.
I was trying to generate another internal clock based on my system
clock, such that in one clock cylce it generates another clock of 16
How to generate internal clock?
Thanking you.
Hiren Shah
My design is taking 16 clock cycles to generate the output for one data
.. So I
have wait to for 16 clock cycles to give another input.
Can any one suggest what I should do that my output comes when input
stream is given in each clock cycle.
I was trying to generate another internal clock based on my system
clock, such that in one clock cylce it generates another clock of 16
How to generate internal clock?
Thanking you.
Hiren Shah