Tom Yaney
Hi all--
The thread below appeared several years ago in sci.electronics.basics.
I have a similiar problem interfacing to a parallel port, and I like
Steve's suggestion of using a toggling output to signal an "IOGOOD"
condition to enable tri-state outputs. The trouble is, I have no idea
how to implement a circuit that detects a toggling signal. Steve
seemed to imply that it was fairly easy to do though. Any ideas?
Thanks for your help!
wacokid wrote in message <36307c77.5991219@enews.newsguy.com>...
We design embedded circuitry - we don't really just interface relays
parallel ports - but the principles are the same. I'm not going to
draw out a circuit for you, but I'll give you enough info so you can
do it yourself once you get the datasheets
The best method (IMHO, and I should bloody know ;-) is to take
the signals through a 3-state buffer, latch, or register, and run the
3 state enable from your delay circuit. If you're stuck selecting a
chip, try a 74LS245, just wire the direction pin so that the buffers
"point" the right way. The only other pins are inputs, outputs,
power, gnd and 3 state enable, so you should be right drawing
out this bit of circuitry.
You *could* enable your buffers from a signal that goes active
a little while after power up. For instance an ic555 ;-)
The high pulse keeps the buffers off after power up, when it
goes low, the buffers are enabled and the signals get through.
You will find a monostable design for a 555 timer in its data
sheet - pick the resistor/capacitor values to give you the
time delay you need, feed the 555 output to the 3 state enable.
Remember to trigger the 555 so it goes active on power up.
Depending on what you are running, you use the 3-state
condition to keep the signals off. If you are running a
transistor, LED, or such like, it happens by default. If you
are running a CMOS or TTL circuit, you will need a pullup
or pulldown resistor (if you are stuck for a value, try 10k)
to bias the output to its inactive state when it is 3 stated.
Once you understand what I am describing here - there is
a nifty enhancement you can make. You find a signal somewhere,
such as a spare output, and toggle this output continuously in
software. In hardware you detect this toggling, and use it
to enable your 3-stated outputs. As long as this extra output
is toggling, your 3 stated outputs are enabled. If the your
extra output stops toggling, your main outputs turn off.
Its a nifty protection mechanism for if your computer crashes,
or your software isn't run, or any other reason - it stops the
outputs being turned on when there is no software there
to control them. Basically its a "dead mans handle"
I use it quite a bit in embedded electronics and call it
The thread below appeared several years ago in sci.electronics.basics.
I have a similiar problem interfacing to a parallel port, and I like
Steve's suggestion of using a toggling output to signal an "IOGOOD"
condition to enable tri-state outputs. The trouble is, I have no idea
how to implement a circuit that detects a toggling signal. Steve
seemed to imply that it was fairly easy to do though. Any ideas?
Thanks for your help!
wacokid wrote in message <36307c77.5991219@enews.newsguy.com>...
I've just completed a parallel interface circut. Problem is that all
outputs flash high and some outputs stay high from the parallel port
when the computer is turned on. This will activate any devices i
attached to the circut before i have control.
Could someone recommend a simple power-up delay schematic. I need a
delay time long enough for a 386 or 486 to power up and run my qbasic
program that controls this circut.
A responce that simply says ...." ic 555 " will not help. Once i
a circut i understand it, but cannot create it on my own.
We design embedded circuitry - we don't really just interface relays
parallel ports - but the principles are the same. I'm not going to
draw out a circuit for you, but I'll give you enough info so you can
do it yourself once you get the datasheets
The best method (IMHO, and I should bloody know ;-) is to take
the signals through a 3-state buffer, latch, or register, and run the
3 state enable from your delay circuit. If you're stuck selecting a
chip, try a 74LS245, just wire the direction pin so that the buffers
"point" the right way. The only other pins are inputs, outputs,
power, gnd and 3 state enable, so you should be right drawing
out this bit of circuitry.
You *could* enable your buffers from a signal that goes active
a little while after power up. For instance an ic555 ;-)
The high pulse keeps the buffers off after power up, when it
goes low, the buffers are enabled and the signals get through.
You will find a monostable design for a 555 timer in its data
sheet - pick the resistor/capacitor values to give you the
time delay you need, feed the 555 output to the 3 state enable.
Remember to trigger the 555 so it goes active on power up.
Depending on what you are running, you use the 3-state
condition to keep the signals off. If you are running a
transistor, LED, or such like, it happens by default. If you
are running a CMOS or TTL circuit, you will need a pullup
or pulldown resistor (if you are stuck for a value, try 10k)
to bias the output to its inactive state when it is 3 stated.
Once you understand what I am describing here - there is
a nifty enhancement you can make. You find a signal somewhere,
such as a spare output, and toggle this output continuously in
software. In hardware you detect this toggling, and use it
to enable your 3-stated outputs. As long as this extra output
is toggling, your 3 stated outputs are enabled. If the your
extra output stops toggling, your main outputs turn off.
Its a nifty protection mechanism for if your computer crashes,
or your software isn't run, or any other reason - it stops the
outputs being turned on when there is no software there
to control them. Basically its a "dead mans handle"
I use it quite a bit in embedded electronics and call it