interface analog/ optical fiber needed


Matthias Hackel

i need to transform an analog signal (0-5V) to an optical signal, and
then back to analog signal. The sampling resolution should be >= 12bit
with a frequency >= 1kHz. Anyone know where to buy such components (the
analog to optical interface should be not bigger than 60x20x60
milimeters )
Matthias Hackel
i need to transform an analog signal (0-5V) to an optical signal, and
then back to analog signal. The sampling resolution should be >= 12bit
with a frequency >= 1kHz. Anyone know where to buy such components (the
analog to optical interface should be not bigger than 60x20x60
milimeters )
Most fiber optic transducers that I've worked with aren't very
linear. On the other hand, 12 bits at 1 kHz is pretty slow for
most digital gear or most fibers so the fiber part will be easy
if you can convert it to digital.

You could try something like a voltage to frequency
chip on the transmit side and reverse it on the other end.
(I haven't looked at the spec sheets for a long time.) Should
be simple if it is good enough for your needs.

Or you could use an A/D and tiny micro on the sending side
and reverse that on the other end. A micro is probably overkill.
Maybe just a PAL. Use something like async RS-232, a start bit
and stop bit so you can find the first bit of each sample.

There are lots of one-chip micros. What you do might depend
upon what you are familiar with. Some include A/Ds, but the ones
I'm familiar with are only 10 bits. Some have hardware support
for pulse-width modulation. You can probably get 12 bits at 1 kH
out of that.

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other mailboxes. Please do not send unsolicited bulk e-mail or unsolicited
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These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's. I hate spam.
"Hal Murray" <> schreef in bericht
i need to transform an analog signal (0-5V) to an optical signal, and
then back to analog signal. The sampling resolution should be >= 12bit
with a frequency >= 1kHz. Anyone know where to buy such components (the
analog to optical interface should be not bigger than 60x20x60
milimeters )

Most fiber optic transducers that I've worked with aren't very
linear. On the other hand, 12 bits at 1 kHz is pretty slow for
most digital gear or most fibers so the fiber part will be easy
if you can convert it to digital.

You could try something like a voltage to frequency
chip on the transmit side and reverse it on the other end.
(I haven't looked at the spec sheets for a long time.) Should
be simple if it is good enough for your needs.

Or you could use an A/D and tiny micro on the sending side
and reverse that on the other end. A micro is probably overkill.
Maybe just a PAL. Use something like async RS-232, a start bit
and stop bit so you can find the first bit of each sample.

There are lots of one-chip micros. What you do might depend
upon what you are familiar with. Some include A/Ds, but the ones
I'm familiar with are only 10 bits. Some have hardware support
for pulse-width modulation. You can probably get 12 bits at 1 kH
out of that.

The mail server is located in California. So are all my
other mailboxes. Please do not send unsolicited bulk e-mail or
commercial e-mail to my address or any of my other
These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's. I hate spam.
Most fibers I'm awarw of handle over 1Mb/s easily. So why not using a simple
delta modulator?


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