intentional EMI



Hi ,
this is the first time i send a message on this news group, buy the way i'd
like to know :
if it's possible to remote controlling XP, buy sending intentional EMI using
computer comunication protocol.

I've been damaged 2 hard disk from radio amateur on the zone, but i don't
know how to localize it 8(
and not mentioning the annoing problem about evedropping from crt
emi....i've read something on internet about emi+crt and "intentional emi"
and i found that very useful, but i'd like to know the opinion of the people
that count on this matter, because this is a very privacy problem for me and
I don't see anybody doing something about designing new component less emi,
or jammer to protect from sendin emi. I don't even ear talking about privacy
right on computer (very sad)

it would be very useful to me if some one could explain something on this
"victim" <> writes:
this is the first time i send a message on this news group, buy the way i'd
like to know :
if it's possible to remote controlling XP, buy sending intentional EMI using
computer comunication protocol.
Extremely unlikely.

I've been damaged 2 hard disk from radio amateur on the zone, but i don't
know how to localize it 8(
and not mentioning the annoing problem about evedropping from crt
emi....i've read something on internet about emi+crt and "intentional emi"
and i found that very useful, but i'd like to know the opinion of the people
that count on this matter, because this is a very privacy problem for me and
I don't see anybody doing something about designing new component less emi,
or jammer to protect from sendin emi. I don't even ear talking about privacy
right on computer (very sad)

it would be very useful to me if some one could explain something on this
You might consider searching for "faraday cage"
This is a conducting metal screen that completely encloses your device
and keeps emi from passing through in either direction.

You would need to search carefully to understand how to get electrical
power into the cage and not have emi be carried through on the wires.
You might use an infrared mouse and keyboard, rather than those that
use radio signals go communicate.

Do not attribute to conspiracy what might be stupidity or accident.

Welcome to

