Hul Tytus
Anyone know of a good handbook describing the machine code of Intel's
386's? A page describing each instruction along with some text about the
various sequences caused by interupts and descriptions of the various tables
and "descriptors" and special purpose registers and the effects of "protected
mode" is the hope. An older text that didn't describe the 64 bit versions
would be ok, maybe preferable.
Hummel's book I've seen, but it's more of a lengthy volume than a
handbook. Any others that aren't so windy?
386's? A page describing each instruction along with some text about the
various sequences caused by interupts and descriptions of the various tables
and "descriptors" and special purpose registers and the effects of "protected
mode" is the hope. An older text that didn't describe the 64 bit versions
would be ok, maybe preferable.
Hummel's book I've seen, but it's more of a lengthy volume than a
handbook. Any others that aren't so windy?