integrate 3rd party analog simulator into ADE?


Trevor Bowen


I am trying to set up CADENCE to interface with a third party simulator,
and I am having some early problems with ADE.

First, I register the tool like this:

asiRegisterTool('mySimTool) => t

Then I try to configure an simple option for it:

defmethod( asiInitEnvOption ( ( tool mySimTool ) )
;; Initialize the environment options from the base class.
asiAddEnvOption( tool
?name 'myControlFile
?prompt "Control File:"
?value ""
?type 'string

which returns this error:

*Error* defmethod: unknown class - mySimTool

What am I missing? Although it's not a cookbook, I am trying to follow
this CADENCE doc:


If I am going about this the wrong way (trying to integrate a 3rd party
simulator into ADE), please let me know. Or, if you have any tips on
this task, I'd welcome them gladly!


On Mon, 25 Jul 2005 20:46:54 -0500, Trevor Bowen <> wrote:


I am trying to set up CADENCE to interface with a third party simulator,
and I am having some early problems with ADE.

First, I register the tool like this:

asiRegisterTool('mySimTool) => t

Then I try to configure an simple option for it:

defmethod( asiInitEnvOption ( ( tool mySimTool ) )
;; Initialize the environment options from the base class.
asiAddEnvOption( tool
?name 'myControlFile
?prompt "Control File:"
?value ""
?type 'string

which returns this error:

*Error* defmethod: unknown class - mySimTool

What am I missing? Although it's not a cookbook, I am trying to follow
this CADENCE doc:


If I am going about this the wrong way (trying to integrate a 3rd party
simulator into ADE), please let me know. Or, if you have any tips on
this task, I'd welcome them gladly!


The information about integrating a simulator is not in the standard documentation. You need to
contact customer support (or your account manager), and will need the OASIS product and
this comes with an additional kit with documentation telling you how to do such an integration.

The standard documentation gives _some_ but not _all_ of the information.


Thanks for the info, Andrew!

When I first started this project, it was not clear to me what options
are available.

If my understanding is correct, I have 3 options to integrate a 3rd
party sim:

1) OASIS - costs the mosts, but it is supported - I did not realize that
it was not part of the standard CADENCE install until after I made the
original post.
2) SI env - try to use the old SI env; however, this does not appear to
integrate into ADE, just the schematic window. Also, the level of
"polish" is much lower for this methodology, requiring manual
modification of the input control file. Also, it took me a while to get
the spi2wsf.c file to compile (manual is very outdated).
3) Build your own - Through LOTS of SKILL code, add drop banner menus to
ADE, generate control files, read sim data, etc. Possibly borrow some
of the techniques from method #2.

So, I have given up on this for now. I'm going to try to pick some
other low-hanging fruit to improve our methodology. :)

Thanks again for the info!


Andrew Beckett wrote:

The information about integrating a simulator is not in the standard documentation. You need to
contact customer support (or your account manager), and will need the OASIS product and
this comes with an additional kit with documentation telling you how to do such an integration.

The standard documentation gives _some_ but not _all_ of the information.



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