I am sort of new to VHDL and still trying to get around the optimisation
considerations associated with the language as opposed to using C.
A have written a function which uses a variable 'ppos' to hold the current
position in a vector. I have defined it as an INTEGER but I am beginning to
think that it might be more efficient implemented in binary. Is this a real
consideration in VHDL coding? Would using a binary vector in place of an
integer wherever possible resort in a more efficient implementation in the
long run?
- Kingsley
I am sort of new to VHDL and still trying to get around the optimisation
considerations associated with the language as opposed to using C.
A have written a function which uses a variable 'ppos' to hold the current
position in a vector. I have defined it as an INTEGER but I am beginning to
think that it might be more efficient implemented in binary. Is this a real
consideration in VHDL coding? Would using a binary vector in place of an
integer wherever possible resort in a more efficient implementation in the
long run?
- Kingsley