Integer Array - Help


Matt North

I am looking at converting a signal of integer range 0 to 11000 into an
array which holds each digit of the integer.
The obvious solution is to divide the number by 10 then 100 etc, placing the
result in the correct address of the array.
However dividing is far too area intensive on the silicon.

Anyone got any bright ideas?

Matt North wrote:

I am looking at converting a signal of integer range 0 to 11000 into an
array which holds each digit of the integer.
If I understand you right, it is a binary->BCD converter.

BCD=binary coded decimals (4 Bit with values in [0,9] )

Matt North wrote:
I am looking at converting a signal of integer range 0 to 11000 into an
array which holds each digit of the integer.
An efficient internal representation is unsigned:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- ...

subtype my_type_t is unsigned(13 downto 0);
constant my_num : my_type_t := to_unsigned(11000,my_type_t'length);

Conversion of binary to bcd has been covered in this group.

-- Mike Treseler

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