Daniel Prego
Hi to all
I have a 2D array:reg [WordSize-1:0] ram[0:rows-1][0:cells-1];
now i need to inject faults to this memory module
for example: i need ram[3][4][1] to be stuck permanently at zero
that mean rows 3 column 4 , second lsb to be 0
constantly, even if a write operation is on
how can i do it? i wrote some code but its not very sophisticated, and not usable if i need to inject, lets say, 20 faults like this
so, how can i inject a permanent fault into a specific bit inside an array?
I have a 2D array:reg [WordSize-1:0] ram[0:rows-1][0:cells-1];
now i need to inject faults to this memory module
for example: i need ram[3][4][1] to be stuck permanently at zero
that mean rows 3 column 4 , second lsb to be 0
constantly, even if a write operation is on
how can i do it? i wrote some code but its not very sophisticated, and not usable if i need to inject, lets say, 20 faults like this
so, how can i inject a permanent fault into a specific bit inside an array?