inputs to/outputs from FPGA board



=how to give inputs to FPGA, how to observe outputs from FPGA=


My verilog design has been synthesized and has passed post-PAR simulation.
And I understand how to load my design on FPGA(particularly, Xilinx
Spartan-3 XC3S400). Now I want to give inputs to the design on FPGA and
observe outputs out of it. But I have no idea how I can do it.

1) giving inputs: While doing simulations on PC, I could give inputs to
the design using a testbench file. But I have no idea at all how to give
inputs to the FPGA. Please let me know how to do it. (*I'm using Xilinx
ISE 6.3i)

2) observing outputs: My understanding is that I can assign a pin for each
bit of the output values by editing the UCF file and that's waht I did. I
heard that, in order to observe outputs, I needed to connect an
oscilloscope to each of the pins. Is this correct? Please let me know
whether this is correct and If there is a better or easier way to do it.

Thanks much in advance!
It sound like you don't have a pre define design you need to do but
rather you are "playing" with the FPGA and in this case it might be
the simplest to connect few dip switch which can be used as input and
few leds which can be use as output.

Have fun.
Get ChipScope Pro from your Xilinx Vendor. This allow you to use a GUI
to set and reset any signal in your Spartan3 device. You can also
monitor any internal signal in your Spartan3 using a JTAG port. It
basigally gives you ultimate control over your Xilinx device in real
time. ChipScope is pretty expensive but your representative will
probably give you a two-week free trial version.

Good Luck
Correction... ChipScope does everything I mentioned - and a lot more,
but cores may not be available for the Spartan 3. It is still worth
asking your Xilinx rep, just in case I was correct before and wrong

Good luck

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