tempus fugit
Hey all;
I've been reviewing the THAT 1512 data sheet
(http://www.thatcorp.com/datashts/THAT_1510-1512_Datasheet.pdf) and am
trying to figure out what the input impedance would be for the circuits
they've given.In Fig. 4 on p. 6 for instance, would the input impedance be
1K, or 1K||1K = 500 ohms, or 2K, or something else altogether? What would it
be for the T bias configuration in Fig.5 on p. 7? They also use the
expressions 'differential' and 'common mode' impedance. When desgning a mic
pre, which of these should be my primary concern?
I've been reviewing the THAT 1512 data sheet
(http://www.thatcorp.com/datashts/THAT_1510-1512_Datasheet.pdf) and am
trying to figure out what the input impedance would be for the circuits
they've given.In Fig. 4 on p. 6 for instance, would the input impedance be
1K, or 1K||1K = 500 ohms, or 2K, or something else altogether? What would it
be for the T bias configuration in Fig.5 on p. 7? They also use the
expressions 'differential' and 'common mode' impedance. When desgning a mic
pre, which of these should be my primary concern?