Matthew Kirkcaldie
Silly question, probably. I have a cheap DSE multimeter, model Q-1420.
Documentation's long gone, but I wanted to know its input impedance when
measuring DCV. I'm setting the idle current on an amplifier and the
service manual specifies a VTVM (tube voltmeter) to make the measurement
- presumably because of high input impedance. I assume if the DMM has
10 meg input impedance it'll be OK - but I need to know!
Cheers, MK.
Documentation's long gone, but I wanted to know its input impedance when
measuring DCV. I'm setting the idle current on an amplifier and the
service manual specifies a VTVM (tube voltmeter) to make the measurement
- presumably because of high input impedance. I assume if the DMM has
10 meg input impedance it'll be OK - but I need to know!
Cheers, MK.