On Nov 8, 8:39 am, Thomas Rouam <thomas.ro...@laposte.net> wrote:
An_Inst_Of_My_Component : my_component
generic map(my_generic => my_generic)
port map(component_data => top_level_data(1));
If you want to have an instance of 'my_component' for each element of
top_level_data then...
Gen_A_Bunch : for i in top_level_data'range generate
An_Inst_Of_My_Component : my_component
generic map(my_generic => my_generic)
port map(component_data => top_level_data(i));
end generate Gen_A_Bunch;
The following should connect up top_level_data(1) to 'my_component'Hi all,
I have an issue converting inouts. Any help or even idea is welcome,
as I'm getting desperate.
Here is the description of my problem.
Say I have this component :
component my_component is
generic ( my_generic : integer);
port (component_data : inout std_logic vector ((8*my_generic) -1
downto 0);
others ports : ....
etc : .....);
Say I have this top level
entity my_top_level is
generic ( my_generic : integer := my_constant);
port (top_level_data : my_2d_type(my_generic downto 1);
other ports : ......
etc : .......)
where my_constant and my_2d_type are defined in a used package,
my_2d_type being : array (natural range <> of std_logic_vector(7
downto 0);
I want to "connect" and of course not "assign" component_dat with
To solve this problem I have thougth of concatenations, aliases,
functions, procedures and even recursive structures, but each time
something is wrong (2d-aliases, locally static name, inout and
expressions, and so on...
Thanks a lot for the help
Thomas Rouam
An_Inst_Of_My_Component : my_component
generic map(my_generic => my_generic)
port map(component_data => top_level_data(1));
If you want to have an instance of 'my_component' for each element of
top_level_data then...
Gen_A_Bunch : for i in top_level_data'range generate
An_Inst_Of_My_Component : my_component
generic map(my_generic => my_generic)
port map(component_data => top_level_data(i));
end generate Gen_A_Bunch;