inout port bidirectional bus goes dead problem


I am trying to use a bidirectional bus, declared as inout in my vhdl
code. When running on FPGA eveything works, except that bus. The bus is

dead all the time and can not be read.

I have tried changing that port to in only, and eveything works fine.

I understand that for an inout port, tristate needs to declared. Still,

that doesn't help.

If anyone could please help out, it'd be much appreciated.

Thank you for your attention.

below is my code


-- SubModule USB
-- Created 16/10/2005 6:51:41 PM

Library IEEE;
Use IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity USB is
port (
PORTB : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
CLK : in std_logic;
RST : in std_logic;
CS : in std_logic;
DI : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
DO : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
A : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
WR : in std_logic;
RD : in std_logic;
IFCLK : in std_logic;
FIFOADR : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
FLAGA : in std_logic;
FLAGB : in std_logic;
FLAGC : in std_logic;
SLOE : out std_logic;
SLRD : out std_logic;
SLWR : out std_logic;
PKTEND : out std_logic;
RESET : out std_logic;
WAIT_ST : out std_logic);
end USB;


architecture behaviour of USB is

signal SLRD_buffer : std_logic;
signal SLWR_buffer : std_logic;
signal OE :std_logic;


FIFOADR( 1 downto 0) <=b"10" when ((WR = '1' and CS = '1') and A(1
downto 0) = b"11") else b"00";
SLOE<='1' when ((RD='1' and CS = '1') and A(1 downto 0) = b"01")else
SLRD<= '1' when (CS='1' and RD='1' and A(1 downto 0) = b"01") else '0';

OE<='1' when (WR='1' and CS = '1') else '0';
PORTB<=DI when (OE='1') else "ZZZZZZZZ";

DO<= x"01" when (A(1 downto 0)=b"00" and FLAGA='1' ) else
x"00" when (A(1 downto 0)=b"00" and FLAGA='0' ) else --EP2 not
x"01" when (A(1 downto 0)=b"10" and FLAGB='1' ) else --EP6 full
x"00" when (A(1 downto 0)=b"10" and FLAGB='0' ) else --EP6 not
PKTEND <='0';


end behaviour;
by the way, the bidirectional bus corresponds to IO pins on FPGA board.
could this be it? wrote:
by the way, the bidirectional bus corresponds to IO pins on FPGA board.
could this be it?
There is no other reason to use an inout port
other than to connect to an external device
with a bidirectional bus interface.

Consider using a synchronous bus controller.
The basics are shown in the example below:

-- Mike Treseler

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