I'm trying to create an array of Virtex-II BlockRam instances in
verilog using
RAMB16_S36_S36 BRAM[ram_modules-1:0] (.ADDRA(ADDRA), .ADDRB(ADDRB),
...., .DOPA(), .DOPB());
This works perfectly fine, even when I add parameters like:
RAMB16_S36_S36 #(.WRITE_MODE_A("READ_FIRST")) BRAM[ram_modules-1:0]
However, when I add the initialization parameters, it doesn't work:
RAMB16_S36_S36 #(.WRITE_MODE_A("READ_FIRST"), .INIT_A(36'h012345678))
BRAM[ram_modules-1:0] (.ADDRA(ADDRA), ...
Compiling is ok, but trying to simulate gives one of these for each
module in the array:
# ELAB2: Warning: ELAB2_0048 increment.v (22): Actual value is
incompatible with formal "INIT_A" (mixed simulation) - actual value
will be skipped.
in Aldec Active-HDL.
I've tried a bunch of different ways to get this to work.
Initialization using the defparam statements with just one BRAM
instance works fine (but not on an array, at least that I can figure
out). I guess I could just unroll the whole thing by hand, but by now,
I'm interested in just figuring out what's going on and how to make it
Anyone else run into this or have any ideas?
Much thanks
I'm trying to create an array of Virtex-II BlockRam instances in
verilog using
RAMB16_S36_S36 BRAM[ram_modules-1:0] (.ADDRA(ADDRA), .ADDRB(ADDRB),
...., .DOPA(), .DOPB());
This works perfectly fine, even when I add parameters like:
RAMB16_S36_S36 #(.WRITE_MODE_A("READ_FIRST")) BRAM[ram_modules-1:0]
However, when I add the initialization parameters, it doesn't work:
RAMB16_S36_S36 #(.WRITE_MODE_A("READ_FIRST"), .INIT_A(36'h012345678))
BRAM[ram_modules-1:0] (.ADDRA(ADDRA), ...
Compiling is ok, but trying to simulate gives one of these for each
module in the array:
# ELAB2: Warning: ELAB2_0048 increment.v (22): Actual value is
incompatible with formal "INIT_A" (mixed simulation) - actual value
will be skipped.
in Aldec Active-HDL.
I've tried a bunch of different ways to get this to work.
Initialization using the defparam statements with just one BRAM
instance works fine (but not on an array, at least that I can figure
out). I guess I could just unroll the whole thing by hand, but by now,
I'm interested in just figuring out what's going on and how to make it
Anyone else run into this or have any ideas?
Much thanks