I am using VHDL and XST. I read some all the older threads that
mention the info/warning:
INFO:Xst:1304 - Contents of register <slv_ip2bus_data> in unit
<user_logic> never changes during circuit operation. The register is
replaced by logic.
And I still don't have a clear idea of why I am getting this problem in
my code. Rather than have you debug my code (though I can post if
helpful), can someone describe, in as much detail as you can stand,
what causes this message? I have no doubt it is my poor coding, but
hope a clear description can help me tidy things up. I think I am
using good FSM style (clk process to change state, comb process to get
next state, output process based on current state).
Any advice or pointers to documentation on this message appreciated...
I am using VHDL and XST. I read some all the older threads that
mention the info/warning:
INFO:Xst:1304 - Contents of register <slv_ip2bus_data> in unit
<user_logic> never changes during circuit operation. The register is
replaced by logic.
And I still don't have a clear idea of why I am getting this problem in
my code. Rather than have you debug my code (though I can post if
helpful), can someone describe, in as much detail as you can stand,
what causes this message? I have no doubt it is my poor coding, but
hope a clear description can help me tidy things up. I think I am
using good FSM style (clk process to change state, comb process to get
next state, output process based on current state).
Any advice or pointers to documentation on this message appreciated...